Chapter 28. Don't Strain Yourself Thinking up Titles

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I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


Sakura awoke feeling profoundly satisfied. She felt a warm tingling in her belly, and a pleasant buzz in her nether regions. Her body felt so loose and floaty, like she could have hopped right to her feet and started walking on air. Even the faint ache of her privates was nothing before the sense of utter spiritual release which filled her body.

She smiled, blushing faintly and feeling her heart flutter at the memory of last night. The surroundings of the Uzumaki house brought it all flooding back the second she opened her eyes. The confessions, the feuding, the reconciliations, and the sex.

Oh, lordy, the sex. It was everything she could have hoped for, and so much more. It had been magnificent, incredible, mind-blowing and fulfilling. She finally understood with one hundred percent clarity why everybody went so wild for her teammate's cock. It really was unlike anything else she had ever felt.

Blush deepening, Sakura purred a little in spite of herself.

What she did the day before had been done on a whim, confessing feelings she had only recently begun to come to terms with, admitting affection, admiration, and oh so much more for Naruto Uzumaki. From the moment she had conceded to Ino's wish to have Naruto join in on their fun yesterday, everything had just sort of clicked. Part of her now wondered why she had always refused to see it, before.

What happened yesterday may have been a spur of the moment whim, but Sakura Haruno did not regret it one slightest bit.

"Ahhh... last night was wonderful, Naruto..." she cooed sleepily, sitting up.

Then she blinked.

Sakura did not see anyone else here.

"" she said. "Where are they?" she wondered to herself. "Where did everyone...?"

Standing up, Sakura grabbed a towel that she had apparently been using as a blanket and wrapped around her body. She glanced curiously around the seemingly empty room.

Or at least, she'd THOUGHT it was empty...

"Ah, Sakura-kun," came the voice of the Yellow Flash, Mina Namikaze, momentarily startling the Haruno lass. "You're up, I see."

Mina clasped her hands in front of her bountiful chest, wearing naught but the tatters of a badly shredded apron. And his covered basically nothing, reaching scarcely below even her nipples. There was a look of considerable contentment on her face, though, cheeks rosy and eyes twinkling.

"Hehe, and looking pretty sexy in that towel, too..." added Kushina, whistling wolfishly and leering at the petite pinkette. "I usually prefer my gals more full-figured, but that body seems to suit you really well~" She was dressed in a dark green kimono, a pinkish flush to her own cheeks as she ogled the young medic-nin.

"M...Mina-sama..." said Sakura, feeling immensely abashed (and more than a little aroused) at the full-frontal view she was getting of that blonde bombshell's killer body. "Kushina-sama... you're up, too?" she said a touch lamely, unable to articulate anything more complex when faced with the sight of the pair.

"We are indeed," chirped Kushina. "Up and at 'em and rarin' to go, as they say!" She winked at Sakura, making the girl blush and squirm a touch nervously.

Glancing around bashfully, feeling very awkward talking so casually to two such famous kunoichi as Naruto's parents, Sakura noted that they were the only ones in the room.

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