Chapter 40. Underneath the Underneath

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I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


Deidara was an impulsive woman. Just ask anyone who knew her. She was passionate, yes, but also fickle, flying from one interest to another as soon as she grew bored. She was neither patient nor steadfast. Her attention was fleeting.

She loved sex, to be sure. More than many, indeed, Deidara adored the sensations of the flesh. She loved to explore beautiful bodies, reducing attractive women to puddles of orgasmic bliss. And she delighted also in being explored, being made love to herself by beautiful people. She loved to have sex.

But Deidara grew bored easily, moving from one partner to the next as surely as the turning of the tides. She was a fickle, impulsive soul. Monogamy, to her, was synonymous with monotony. She did not desire to be tied down to a single person.

So when she saw the spiral brand of an Uzumaki concubine get placed on the ass of her partner and senior in the Akatsuki, Deidara decided it was time to split. Naruto was hot, but she had no desire to be so bound to any one person.

No, not even to a stud like Naruto.

"Ohh, Master...!" Sasori's voice drifted down from the stony butte, where Naruto had his way with her shapely butt. "Master... Ah! Ah! Master! I love you! Ohhhh❤"

Deidara blushed at the sound of this, feeling the warmth in her belly. Her pussy was dripping wet, the racket of her partner's gleeful intercourse arousing the blonde greatly even as it faded into the distance.

"Sasori-chan... OH! So niiiice... You're so tight. I love you, too!"

Deidara was naked as she sneaked away, her modest bosom heaving with carefully controlled breaths. Her manual mouths were drooling, tongues wagging out and trying to lick the blonde's own body. She was horny, incredibly so. Her nipples were rock hard, and her butt cheeks bounced suggestively as she went. Moisture dripped from a red, distended pussy.

Naruto was busy with Sasori. Deidara could hear the slapping of his pelvis against the woody, springy substance of her partner's body. She could hear their moans and cries as she slunk into the shadows, exclamations of sensual delight.

There were many tall and tumbled standing stones behind the butte in this blasted heath, remnants perhaps of some long forgotten battle. The shadows they cast were long and deep, providing the perfect cover for Deidara's get away. Sparse, brown-scorched grass clung to the few, shallow bits of soil to be found in this barren region.

Deidara was fickle and impulsive. While Sasori might be content to surrender herself mind, body, and soul, Deidara was more willful. She would not let herself be so easily tamed!

If Naruto wanted her, he would have to come get her.

Naked as a jaybird, the Mad Bomber of Iwa slipped away.

...or, at least, she made to do so. But the blonde had been hasty. She neglected to take certain factors into account.

Factors like a certain pair of perverts.

Deidara felt something cool, moist, and sticky slap onto her bum. It spread over her buttocks in a way that sent shivers up her spine, and she found her forward momentum nigh instantly arrested. Something fleshy stuck to her ass, adhering firmly enough to stop to blonde in her tracks.

She had a single moment of stillness to ponder, idly, what it was that had her. Then she felt a tug on her behind, and Deidara was uncerimoniously yanked backwards. She bent at the hips, nearly double, perilously close to kissing her own shins, as the... thing reeled in her fine ass like a master fly-fisher with his hook on a prize bass.

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