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Months had passed as the flame of love slowly faded out and the happy couple was now both busy in their lives; one completing her job as the GS of the college the other completely busy and devoted to his dance team. The dates nights were canceled and cut short to once in a blue moon, without being noticed by either one, it came naturally to the couple.

          "Rey" He heard her small voice, right behind him as he grinned happily turning to his girl; the one without whom, he feels incomplete.  Coming face to face with a fidgeting shell of his girlfriend, as she handled a couple of papers together, in one hand. The dance team also came to a stop in their conversation.

  "Yes, babe?" He asked still smiling slowly at her worried expression, he always found it cute as how the smallest of the matter seems to hassle; his princess. 

         "Can you please submit these forms for the Drama club? I have to be here to collect the sports equipment for the football team on Saturday,  can't go!" She explained as she pulled out the forms from the binder and looked out to him for an answer. 

"Taani, we have an event on Saturday evening. Can't do babe!" He said as he eyed the submission date. It was to be done on Saturday, itself and he knew that traveling to the venue to submit the forms would end in him missing the event; altogether. 

         "Okay." She sighed as she looked thoughtful for a moment, she understood the importance of the events for a dance group that has just started.  "Can you come to the college in the morning and collect the equipment?" She asked again, a small frown on her pink lips. Rey nodded happily, his eyes closed in a small smile. 

"Sure" He nodded. Turning towards the table he picked up an egg roll, he was about to eat and passed it to his girlfriend. She missed her lunch breaks all the time because she was handling not only her duties as GS but also his as an AGS, and he felt utterly guilty about the scenario but it couldn't be helped. 

        A small, tired yet thankful smile was passed by the petite girl as she moved out, to the drama team roll in hand. 

"How cute, Rey! You're so caring! Taani is lucky to have you!" His best friend cooed in his ears as she smirked at the blush that adorned his ever-so-masculine features. The rest of the team laughed at their friend; too smitten by his girlfriend. 


"Finally!" Her lectures for the day were done. She walked into an empty classroom, checking her wristwatch it was 4 in the afternoon and she had to still work out on a few forms for the college. 

       "I should take up his advice and just give up the GS position. " She groaned as she went through her the forms of the drama team, one last time.  She picked her phone to call Rey.

"Princess, come on let's go home!" Rey called out from the entrance of the same classroom. His head tilted a little as he studied his girlfriend. His request was ignored, her eyes were too focused on her phone screen.  He moved towards her and called out again, this time successfully gaining her attention. 

     "Love? let's get you home." his hand brushed against her arms, in pure affection. She nodded slowly and moved towards the hall forgetting the forms. "Taani, love you forgot these!" the dancer called out, after collecting the forms and running after his girlfriend. 


"Beta, going for an emergency mission. The period of the mission can be untold for the moment. You have been, the strength of our family for all this long, and I need you to be more firm, now on. Can you do that? Take care of them, Taani! Remember, your dad loves you!" 

The message that she received in the college, was once again open as she re-reads it again and again. A message from her father. She tried calling him again, but as usual, the phone was switched off. A lone tear slipped her tired eyes as she pulled her pillow close to her heart and let go of her brave face for now and let the worried daughter, cry out in the worry of her father.

"Taani?" Swayam asked his voice full of concern as he stood near her door frame, her small hiccups had turned into long wailing of the distressed daughter and there was only so much she could do to keep her Bhai from hearing any of it. 

         "Bhai" She called out reaching for him in despair.  The brother sprinted in action collecting the little girl to his arms as he pressed his lips to her ear, humming smoothly to the old tune that always soothed the little girl. "Raindrops on roses and whiskers with kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings; These are a few of my favorite things.." He breathed lowly as she cried harder.  The song that was used to put her down to sleep by her father was now used by her cousin to calm her and not fret about her father's mission. 

"Baccha Kya Hua?" He asked pulling her out of his embrace as anything he knew didn't work for the moment. "Bh... Bhai" She cried as she handed him her phone. The message was still open as his brown orbs scanned the cryptic message and slowly putting down the phone, he pulled his cousin in a tight embrace. 

"It doesn't feel right, anymore. I don't want him to go. I want to stop him. This feeling...its.." 

She didn't want to say it, but this was the same feeling she felt on the last day of her SSC exams, the day her mother left her and the family. It's a feeling that was eating her alive and she didn't like it then and she doesn't like it now.

But she has no option to manage it. 


Hello, this is a new story. 

Hope you guys like it. It's a new angle to the story, Taarey is in a relationship. The track starts a few weeks after the confession. 

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