Day Two

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Readers! It is day two!
Who's excited?
Yeah probably just me.
Anyways, first thing to talk about.
The quote.
I chose a William Shakespeare quote because he is William Shakespeare. He is the one who wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and sonnets. He is a famous writer. A well-known writer. A writer whose works we read in schools.
Okay. I'll stop there, since I'm sure you get the point.
As I look, well read this quote, I find that it is a bit inspiring. It really tells me that this is a bit what writing is.
You let you let your imagination roam free.
You can pick up a pen, poet or not, not really knowing what is going to come out on paper.
Before you know it words form on the paper and seem to just flow out.
The once blank page gets filled up with what you created.
The last line he writes really makes me think. I know the name part could be that you give this piece you wrote a name. You call it something. We all give names to things. The local habitation part is where I'm a little stuck on. Maybe. I mean as I think about it we give our writing, our piece of work, a place on paper. A home. We give it a name and a place to be. Therefore we give it some form of life.
These are just my thoughts by the way. If any of you have a different opinion or thought let me know.
Also let me know if you don't like the quote part of the blog.
This may be weird, but...ouch.
My friend just smacked me for putting that.
Why? You may ask.
She said it is my blog and it is for me. To help me.
I guess she is right. It is to help me. Though if I help other people too with writing this blog, then it shouldn't hurt if I ask that.
Then again using inspirational quotes or quotes in general shouldn't hurt. It won't hurt analyzing them either. Who knows we all could learn something new or make someone go, "Never thought of it that way."
Well enough of that, let's move on.
I thought about the questions from day one.
The book of poetry can be filled with all kinds of poems. It will be just a collection of poetry works.
So if I write a book of poems it shouldn't be a problem.
The novel, however, is a different story.
I could write and see what comes out. Then figure out genre and things like that.
Or if I happen to know what I am going to write, as in have it planned out idea wise, then I should be able to figure out genre.
Ultimately though it depends on me, what I want to do.
For a novel though I have no idea what to even write about.
After giving it some thought to either writing a book of poems or a novel, I'm going to see what comes out.
Just write.
Let the words flow out on paper. No matter if they make sense.
If I can come up with a story, then I do and I can plan out the ideas.
If I can't come up with a story and end up writing more poems, then I shall write a book of poems.
Sounds like a plan.
Now that's figured out.
We can move on.
Here is the next quote:
I have been successful probably because I have always realized that I knew nothing about writing and have merely tried to tell an interesting story entertainingly.
-Edgar Rice Burroughs
*Puts aviator sunglasses on*
~ Raiden

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