Day Twenty Nine

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At some point and time I feel as if I'm surrounded by darkness. There is no light at the end of this dark cold tunnel. No end.
I can only guess I'm not the only one who has felt this way.
Anyways back to the dark never ending tunnel
How do we or why do we keep going in this dark cold tunnel?
What gives us courage to keep going?
There are lots of ideas or certain hobbies that gives us this spark we need to continue on this dark path that we stumble upon.
It's why when I saw the quote by Anne Frank I knew I had to use it.
Anne Frank went through a lot for a person her age. She had to go through what no one should go through.
Looking at the event as a whole you start to wonder about what were their thoughts while this was happening? By 'their' I mean the Jews that went through concentration camps.
What helped Anne Frank get through for the time being?
Seeing the quote made me realize how important writing can be to someone.
Actually not just writing just something in general you can do that helps you through things.
Anne Frank had writing.
She wrote a diary.
Writing everything gave her strength.
It gave her courage.
The quote also made me realize that diaries and journals are important.
We can write anything and everything in them.
Its as if we are telling someone are deepest secret.
We are letting out are anguish, regret, happiness, anger, and so many other emotions.
After letting it out, I know for me, feel a little better.
Diaries and journals can hold thoughts we never said out loud to anyone.
It can make us feel better.
It can make us think thoughts that we never knew we can think of.
It can make us reevaluate events that happened.
I've written thoughts down, you know just random things, and I'm surprised at some of the thoughts.
Well some thoughts that come out, I didn't know I would actually feel that way.
It made me think about why the thought came out and if or why I felt that way.
My mind starts racing.
I rethought about a lot of things.
I believe it made me grow a bit.
It wasn't writing in a diary or journal either. It's this blog.
This blog is a diary or journal to me.
This is where all my thoughts are held.
Right here in this blog.
Writing this blog has given me courage to be more open.
The courage to be myself and not care what others think.
I am me.
You are you.
People are either going to like you or they are going to hate you.
It is a fact we have to live with.
In fact, we just have to live life.
Live our life.
Do what we want to do.
Be who we want to be.
Ultimately, be happy.
So here is to being happy with myself and having the courage to be myself.
*Puts aviator sunglasses on*

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