Day Twenty

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It shines bright in the sky.
What meaning does the moon exactly have?
I guess if you take the meaning of shining bright, then you have you want to be as bright and noticeable as the moon.
That is all I can think of for the moon right now.
Going on to the words 'broken glass'.
It isn't seven years bad luck, well maybe to some people.
Anyways back to what I was saying.
Broken glass has a deep meaning.
It represents a person feeling broken inside.
This all brings me to the quote:
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass."
― Anton Chekhov
What I take from the quote is that, don't tell me to be perfect or don't show me what is perfect. Show me that even if you aren't perfect, you can still shine bright. You can be seen just as well as someone who is so called perfect.
It tells me that it is okay to not be perfect.
It is okay to be hurt or make mistakes.
No one is perfect.
There is always something broken inside.
I don't understand why everyone will say 'everything is perfect' or 'you need to be perfect'.
Nothing is perfect.
Mistakes are made.
We just learn from the mistakes, hopefully, and move on.
It is tiring to be told that we need to do things properly and it has to be perfect.
What is perfect?
Is there any such thing as perfect?
Does perfect even exist?
In my world, no it doesn't.
In my parent's words, yes it does.
The reason I say it does in their world is because apparently my older sisters can't do anything wrong.
Who says the baby of the family gets babied.
Some do, but not this one. *points to self*
I get told that I need to be like my sisters.
Whatever happened to being different and being yourself.
I'm tired of people telling me of who I should be and what I should do.
I should tell them to shove it, but I'm too nice for my own good.
I really need to stand up for myself.
I can't go on much longer if I don't say something.
I am who I am.
I am not going to try and be someone else.
I'm not anyone else, but me.
I don't care if anyone doesn't like it.
I'm done.
I'm done trying to please everyone else.
Tomorrow will be my new start.
A fresh start.
A new beginning.
To where I won't take any crap.
I am going to be me.
I am going to stand up for myself.
I am going to stop feeling so broken.
I know it will take time, but I'm putting an official end to feeling down and everything else.
I am going to stand up confidently and be me.
Here is to a new day.
Cheers people.
"We live and breathe words. .... It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them. Reading your words, what you wrote, how you were lonely sometimes and afraid, but always brave; the way you saw the world, its colors and textures and sounds, I felt--I felt the way you thought, hoped, felt, dreamt. I felt I was dreaming and thinking and feeling with you. I dreamed what you dreamed, wanted what you wanted--and then I realized that truly I just wanted you."
― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince
*Puts aviator sunglasses on*

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