Day Seventeen

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What's the exact meaning of beautiful?
Is there an exact meaning?
We all think differently.
Our thoughts aren't the same, so what I think is beautiful others may not feel the same.
I guess it's why I found the Oscar Wilde quote intriguing.
Finding an ugly meaning in something beautiful is being corrupt without being charming?
I guess it makes sense.
It is like your just out to pick out the bad in everything.
You only see the bad.
Not the good.
Thinking about it, it would make sense to be a fault.
It isn't good think negatively all the time.
Thinking that way, we would only see the bad in things.
Never the good.
If all we see is the negative in life, then we just hate everything.
Or just about everything.
What's the good in life if all we see is the negative?
We need to see the positive.
Brings me to the next part of the quote.
Finding beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated.
Would cultivated be the right word?
For that I am not sure.
I do agree with the part with that there is hope.
The reason being is that if we find beauty even in the worst of situations or anything and everything else then instead of thinking negative we are thinking positive.
Thinking positive like that will make us happier and want to live.
The negative will get us to be sad, angry, upset, depressed, and so much more.
The next part the quote talking about moral and immoral books.
I see why he says there isn't such a thing.
Books are imaginative and creative.
Whether it is fiction or nonfiction or picture books.
Books, I feel, are meant to cross the line between moral and immoral.
You play with what is right and wrong.
People are going to either think the book is great or they are going to think it is horrible.
Not because if the book is moral and immoral, but because they either didn't like the book or they liked the book.
The book being moral or immoral doesn't matter.
People look at other factors.
Is the story interesting to them?
Does it catch their attention?
Nothing about if the book is moral or immoral.
Books, like Oscar Wilde said, are either written bad or written very good.
There is no in between.
Back to the seeing beauty part.
Are there actually people you see the beauty in everything?
I bring it up because a guy came up to me today.
Talked to me.
Had me smiling.
It was fun.
It was nice.
There were a couple of people at school telling me he liked me.
I am unsure of this though.
Of course it could be me not being confident in myself to think someone may actually like me.
However, he doesn't seem like the type of guy who would take interest in me.
Unless it was for something cruel.
Cruel as in a bet or because he only wants one thing from me and that's it.
I didn't get any vibes off of him that screamed at me to get away.
I'm very conflicted.
A part of me is saying it is okay. He isn't a bad guy.
Another part of me is saying not trust him.
I really don't know what to do.
I'm not used to this.
At all.
Guys don't come up and talk to me as he did.
It's unreal.
I'm feeling like I'm going crazy.
What do I do?
I shall sleep on it.
"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."
― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
*Puts aviator sunglasses on* Goodnight.

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