Day One

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Hello Readers!
Today is Day one!
First thing I shall talk about is the blog title, which I've thought a lot about the title of the blog. The decision I have made is to change the title of the blog from Random Fun Blog to...
Random Blog of Life!
*Insert Claps*
Yes I know the claps are unnecessary.
Anyways I hope you enjoy the title...even if it still sounds a bit boring or blah.
I guess be warned that the title may be a work in progress.
I may keep it.
We shall see.
On another note, I have decided to write a book!
I am still however trying to decide if it will be a book of poetry or a novel.
I still have questions rolling in my head.
One. If I wrote a book of poetry, would I need a same ongoing theme of poems or can I do a random book of poetry full of all kinds of poems?
This is a big question since my poems don't necessarily always have the same theme.
Two. If I write a novel, what genre should I actually write or should I figure it out later?
There is so many genres to choose from. I wonder if I should just write ideas out and see what comes out. Then decide on genre later.
Which if I write a novel, I think it would most likely be a fiction novel. I don't think I would do well with a nonfiction novel...
Moving on. Today, and last night, has been interesting.
Okay maybe not that interesting.
I couldn't sleep. On top of that thoughts of writing, well more like wondering what I should write, plagued my mind. Writing wasn't the only thought that haunted the brain. Two words. Family drama. Well one more should be added. School.
Either way we shall not get into family drama. All I can say on it is family is family. I love them no matter how crazy they can get.
Now going on to school. Yes I go to school. I also work full time, but we aren't getting into work either.
Back to school. I'm finally going to get a degree after trying so hard to reach the goal of having money to go to college. Of course though I won't feel the accomplishment till it happens.
What am I going to school for?
I've always seen myself teaching a class. Don't know why, but I have. So I decided to try it.
Who knows I may actually like teaching.
Oh! I thought of something. I shall leave a quote at the end. A quote I not only find interesting, but it makes your mind think.
Also I'm thinking it will help me build up confidence and be inspired to let myself shine through.
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
- William Shakespeare (from A Midsummer Night's Dream)
I'll put my thoughts on the quote in Day Two.
*Puts aviator sunglasses on* See you next time.

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