Day Seven

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It is day seven!
It has been a whole week since I started this blog.
I have to say, I am very glad to have started this blog. It has helped me.
The quotes were a very good idea to do. Being able to talk about those and getting inspired by them has also helped me go forward with writing. It has helped me gain confidence in writing.
I have some of a story done. Something I never thought I would do. I have. It gives me this awesome feeling.
I definitely think my friends had it right to badger me into starting the blog and keep it going. They have been with me through this.
This is what everyone needs and should have.
If we don't have some sort of support, we feel alone. We feel like we can't and shouldn't do anything. No confidence at all.
I'm thankful for the support and the push they gave me.
I'm glad for comments as well. Seeing some comments makes me just about explode with happiness.
My friend's see it as I may be going crazier then I already am. They are glad that I'm happy though. They can see that this blog has helped me and inspired me to actually go forward and write a story. Writing a story is something that I've always wanted to do. To finally be able to have to confidence to start makes me super happy and excited.
I feel like I'm being a big sap, so I'm going to stop that now and talk about something else.
What to talk about?
Someone asked me what my favorite quote was.
My favorite quote is really random. You ready for it?
Here it is:
"One day I'm gonna get off the bus and I'm gonna run into the woods
And I'm never gonna come back
And when I come back, I'm gonna be the knife master
Let's come and laugh at me
Let's come laugh at the irony
I'm outta here, I'm only playing one song and I'm not coming back for ten years
And when I come back, I'm bring out Avenged Sevenfold" ~ Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan
Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan died at a young age and was Avenged Sevenfold's drummer and I would say lifelong friend, but who are we kidding he was their brother. Avenged Sevenfold is like a family.
Anyway, moving on. The quote is really random. It doesn't make sense. When I look at it though, life doesn't make sense.
Life throws you curveballs. You never know what is going to happen. Sometimes life doesn't make sense.
To me this is what that quote is. It means a lot to me. I am probably reading between the lines and more in depth into it then it should be taken.
Though you can take anything a person says a different way. We all have different ways of thinking.
This is just my in depth thinking of what this quote means to me. It represents how life doesn't make sense all the time. We just go with it.
We can leave and run all we want. In the end though, we can come back stronger than ever.
Being as the quote is kinda funny, it also reminds me that I need to laugh more and have fun. This is important since I tend to be stressed out way to much and need to just relax and have fun.
In the end the quote is random, but through the randomness of it all it inspires me.
I really have to thank Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan for that. He is really inspiring. He definitely made an impact on me.
Musicians make such an impact with their music. Music has so much meaning in it. It is inspiring. It is one of the many things in this world that a lot of people can enjoy. No matter the genre they like, music is enjoyable.
Before I talk everyone's ear off, I'll repost the quote I put on day six. I'll explain what I think the quote means to me tomorrow.
The Quote:
Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.
-Robert A. Heinlein

*Puts aviator sunglasses on* Talk to you all later.
~ Raiden

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