Day Twenty Two

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Today's report:
Today has been better.
End of report.
I thought that starting it off like that would be interesting. As you can see I ended it real quickly.
I didn't like it.
Well at least I tried starting the post off differently.
The report was true, though.
Today was better.
It didn't start off too great, but it didn't end badly.
To explain, I got dressed and fixed my hair. Needless to say I felt pretty. A guy, not the same one that likes me, came up to me. I think he was hitting on me, but it came off wrong. Wrong may not be the right word...The point being is that he definitely seemed like one of the guys that you need to stay away from. The ones that just want you for one thing.
Well the guy couldn't take a hint.
Don't you hate that?
When someone can't take the hint that you want to leave and not talk to them.
They just stand there or sit there continuing to talk to you when you have somewhere to go.
Yeah it was that kind of situation.
I then saw the guy that likes me and I put on a help me look.
I didn't want to, but I needed to get away from the person in front of me.
The guy that likes me got the hint and saved the day.
He acted like my boyfriend, which I just went with it. I was at the point where I wasn't going to argue.
We left the other person and I told the guy thanks.
We had a nice chat.
I'm started to think I may like him too.
Or starting to like him.
Did I get a number?
Make a friend?
Yes I did.
We shall see how this goes.
I'm hesitant with relationships because so far me and relationships don't go well.
That's right I'm the typical person that gets hurt over and over again.
I'm not very open to people, though this blog has helped me open it up more and more.
Which, I should talk about the quote or piece of words from Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare.
First off we do live and breathe words.
We talk all the time.
Whether it is in our minds or out loud.
We talk.
I connect with this quote because yes I feel alone and reading made me feel less alone.
In a way.
The feeling she describes makes not only the book, but the words seem realistic.
As if they were living, breathing creatures.
Words the way they are written and put together can make us connect to them.
Reading stories, we connect with them.
It shows especially when it is a book we like.
It makes us feel less alone because it takes us out of reality.
It takes us to a whole other world.
This is okay.
I think we need to escape reality sometimes.
Truthfully the other world we create is a lot better than the real world.
We just need to not get lost in the other world where we forget what's happening in reality.
See I day dream a lot.
I try not to, but it happens.
There were a lot of times when I wanted to just stay and not think about reality at all.
Sooner or later though I needed to get out of it and I would.
I would get done what I needed to and then go back to day dreaming because I didn't want to think about what was happening around me.
This, I feel is okay sometimes.
Only because daydreaming can help you de-stress.
We all have to face reality at some point, so day dreaming needs to be a minimum.
Not cut it out completely, but to tone it down a lot so things can get done.
I've always got things done, but I know I started to just lose myself in the daydream because I always wanted to stay there.
I've noticed I cut down on day dreaming though.
I still do it from time to time, but I don't lose myself in it.
I don't do it to where I'm doing it way to much where reality disappears.
I don't mind the toning down of day dreaming because I still have my creative imaginative mind to write stories.
Speaking of stories, I am officially on chapter 16.
I tried writing these last few days, but nothing seemed to be coming out. What came out, I thought was horrible. I wasn't happy with it.
I'm glad I have gotten this far with the book.
I'm getting there even if I'm writing slowly.
At least I'm writing.
I'm glad I didn't forget to write a blog post every day because this blog has been helping me.
It motivated me to at least write each day in week three.
There were a lot of days in week three I didn't want to write, but I inspired myself somehow to write.
I still haven't figured out what to do once the month ends.
I do know I'm more leaning towards the idea of continuing the blog.
Maybe have a new idea for next month?
Instead of using quotes, do something else.
I don't know yet.
I'll figure it out and tell you by the end of the month.
I know I can figure it out before then.
I do have some ideas written down on what to do, but I'll keep it to myself.
I'll tell you readers my final decision at the end of the month.
First let's get through week four.
"After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world."
― Philip Pullman
*Puts aviator sunglasses on*

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