Day Nine

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A new day, another blog post.
The quote from yesterday had a lot of truth to it.
When you actually finish a book or piece of art, it gets judged immediately when someone sees it.
Of course, everything gets judged. Everyone gets judged.
I really hate being to be judged, so I try not to judge anyone.
Notice I said try.
It happens. You may try not to, but it's uncontrollable at times.
When I meet someone I do a blank slate. No judgments at all.
I try not to judge a book by its cover, so to speak.
No one likes to be judged.
I think that is one thing we can all at least agree on.
Well that and no one is perfect.
We all make mistakes at some point. The goal there is to learn from the mistake.
Some of us don't really care and keep making mistakes.
It is just life.
We won't change the way we are unless we want to.
For me, I don't have very much confidence in myself and my self-esteem is low.
I want to change.
This is me changing.
I'm going forth with my life saying I can write a book, I can become a teacher, and that I am beautiful.
I'm not ugly.
I'm not a bad person.
I know this.
I just don't show enough confidence.
With the help of my friends, that has also changed little by little.
For instance, I smile more.
I noticed since I smile more, people talk to me more.
Who would have thought?
Well thinking about it, it makes people more inviting when they smile.
There is a question of what if we aren't happy. It is true; there are days where we aren't happy. Days where we just don't want to smile.
I may not want to smile on some days, but I've learned to focus on one reason to be excited about.
The reason is my friends.
I hang out with them practically every day. I always look forward to seeing them.
Another reason is writing. Writing really makes me smile.
Just thinking about writing makes me smile.
Thinking about music makes me smile.
All in all just think about something that makes you smile. Look forward to the one thing you are excited about.
If there isn't anything to be excited about, make one. Make something, anything, that you can be excited about.
Something that makes you smile.
Smiles are also contagious.
I have been around people who smile and it brings a smile to my face.
Being around those kinds of people help also.
Who knows maybe you or I are one of those people whose smile is contagious?
It is certainly one of the many, many, did I mention many, topics to think about.
Speaking of topics to think about here is the next quote!
"Words are a lens to focus one's mind."
- Ayn Rand
*Puts aviator sunglasses on*

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