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It was spring. The time when winter would slowly melt away and burst into a world of color. Like a fairytale came to life at the tips of realities fingers. Every year, a new spring would happen. Every year, animals were born. And every year, the Sakura trees would bloom.

Spring is a perfect season for almost everything. It was also a season of competition. All different types of sports teams would be competing against each other. And it all happened under the blooming trees.


Satori was only a child back then when he saw his first volleyball match. The players got to hit the ball back and forth seemed to catch the red head's attention.

Each and every player seemed to have a role on the team. Even a person just for serving. Satori's heart longed to have a role. A role in a team, and a role in life. But no one really saw that.

The kids at Satori's school didn't see that either. Every time the red head tried to join in, the more he was teased. The more names he got. The more laughs. And most of all, the more others began to fear.

Who knows what could've caused this in spring. But it wasn't those blooming petals that saved Satori. But it was rather who they were falling on. And maybe, the red head would fall for them too.


Skipping to school. [Name] was in a good mood. The good moods that are sweet like candy apples. Spring was one of their favorite times of the year. They didn't know why really, but it felt right. They got to see baby animals and the flowers would all bloom at their fingertips.

Of course the blooming Sakura trees did have a tendency to get stuck in their hair. Messy [Hair Length] [Hair Color] seemed to be decorated with the wonderful light pink. And that light pink decorated their frame like a crown.

Entering the campus, [Name] decided to wait around for a little bit. School wouldn't start for a few minutes and they didn't really see what's the point of going to class.

It wasn't until they heard the sound of voices. Stopping in their tracks and throwing away the [Favorite Flavor] milk box, curiosity got the best of them.

The gym door only had a opening, giving [Name] the advantage to eavesdrop. What came next might be fate. Or someone up in the sky just fit the final puzzle piece.

It wasn't until the words flowed out of one student's mouth.

"Tch! It's not like a monster like you could do anything!"

Someone snapped. It was like a bottle of champagne that burst at the last possible second. Once you popped a cork open, and no matter how hard you try, you can't put it back.

Silence filled the air. You could even see the tension. It was like a graveyard; someone stands, and someone...doesn't.

A small tune now caressed it's way to [Name]'s ears. The tune was sugary sweet like caramel. But the words were just scars. Words in general are hollow. But the ones that provoke leave marks.

"I think this kid's finally lost it!"

"Yeah! Although that's to assume he didn't lose it already!"

Two new voices spoke. Although [Name] didn't know what to make of this situation. Weighing out options for an elementary schooler was like asking a grown up to decide someone's fate. It was easy to see the best choice, but what about the guilt whenever you saw the fruitless fate.

But the chance was already stripped away for [Name] to leave because the door slowly creaked.

And in a matter of moments in time, all eyes were on the student at the door. Watching, waiting, and analyzing. Their grins faltered, like a falling birthday.

"There are mistakes in life, but a person is never one! I can't fight you, but I can at least tell you to stop!"

From Satori's point of view, an angel came down. They didn't come down from the heavens nor having the bright light surrounding them like people describe; but they had a crown on top of their head. A crown made of the sweetest pink blossoms.

And in that very moment, time froze for him. All he could see was the back of his savior. He took everything in. Their gorgeous [Skin Tone] Skin, their [Hair Color] hair that shined in the lights. They really were an angel.

One thing that caught his attention the most in that time of relief, was the feeling inside his chest. It wasn't too sugary sweet. But it was warm like roasted marshmallows on a cold summer night.

It was safe like a parent's hold right when you're about to fall asleep; and it was racing, like you're never going to stop or slow down again.

All these things happened in a span of moments. But in the end, neither of them would want anything to change. But reality comes back whenever things seem nice.

"Oh yeah? Well at least you know you can't beat us, but you're going down with that freak!"

Like the calm before the storm. It was the tension before the blow. It all happened oh so quickly that [Name] wasn't able to process anything.

In a moment, a flash of red went in front of them. It knocked them to the ground but it wasn't as hard as a punch.

Looking up, it was the [Hair Color] haired's turn to see who was in front of them. Perhaps it was a knight in shinning armor. Perhaps it was a prince. Or maybe, it was just a normal person that had much more worth than one could even comprehend.

With all good things come to an end sadly. [Name] scurried to another place; and neither of them saw each other that day. But one thing was always there with the lonely red head.

A few flower petals on top of their head fell right into his palm.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now