Crazy & Mad

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               THEY'D CALL ME MAD,"


"Tendō you're acting a little strange lately. More than usual I should add,"

The vice captain of Shiratorizawa boy's volleyball team stated as he took a seat right next to the read head. Usually it was the captain who'd confront the players but Wakatoshi got sick that day.

"Yeah, you're a little more intimidating our opponents lately,"

The white haired setter added to his vice  captain while he wiped sweat off himself. They've noticed a lot actually, but for the sake of being polite they didn't go off and list everything.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out Semi-kun~,"

"Don't call me that,"

Sighing, the red head stretched on the wooden floor of the gym. The lights on the ceiling were almost blinding him. Everything felt so surreal.

    Now days he didn't really mind being called strange. After all he was known as the guess monster. It was only normal for him to acquire it.

He sort of embraced it, whether that was a good decision or not. Thanks to a certain person, Satori realized that monster could have many meanings. Perhaps to the world it meant a freak; to the two of them however, it meant better than the best.

That was all the motivation Satori needed really. He had his team and his best friend for support. Although saying 'best friend' gave the red head an unsettling feeling that sat in his stomach. A lucid dream you would have when you're awake.

    The gym rested in silence (besides their coach yelling at them). It was uncomfortable though. Sure the team are one of the only people he talks too but even they don't know what's going on.

    The mind of a monster. Sounds like a horror movie really. No one would know what goes on in that mind. What thoughts would travel through. Satori was a mystery to the world, and it would stay that way.

A phenomenon was what [Name] would mean when they called him 'monster' however. The mind of a phenomenon. Simple words can do that. Simple words shaped that red head. Simple words—are what he needed to hear.

    "Listen up! I'm showing you our new formation!"

    The coach clapped his hands and immediately the first years rushed over. The second years eh some what. The third years were always sort of slacking.

"Alright, we have a practice match with some of the school's alumni so I decided to change the formation,"

The red head in the back was zoning off into the void. He already knew where he was going to be. It never changed. The starting positions were like an allegory for his life. Satori lucked out and was trapped in the same position in which he started in.

He always wondered what would happen if he indeed moved somewhere. You can only move backwards or forwards. The risk was too great however. It was the better option for one to stay where they were in that moment.

    Satori told himself he could withstand the naming and the frightful stares he got for another year. Each year that passed he kept saying that.

In the end, maybe he was all those things he had heard about himself. Was it karma coming back to him in something he'd done in a past life; was it him who stumbled upon lady misfortune. Whatever it was, Satori Tendō needed encouragement, because once again he fell into the bottomless pit of his sorrows.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now