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    A stroll was what we all need. It clears the oncoming thoughts in our heads. It helps many things; then again a stroll can lead towards bumping into problems or nostalgic feelings.

    That's why it's called a stroll down memory lane. To replenish those thoughts that buried themselves deep in the mind. They will forever be there till you see them for one final time.


Lanterns were hung up on the roofs; lining its coldness with warm fire. Satori was with his old high school volleyball teammates. Reminiscing on old times at Shiratorizawa Academy. They all never really changed personalities.

Satori however, zoned out more often than usual. He tried everything to take his mind off of some worry. It could be how [Name] is doing or how many changes would happen.

"Satori. You are spacing out again, I suggest you stop thinking to hard,"

The blunt Wakatoshi stated as the rest of the team looked to see said boy not paying attention. Then again, Satori was never one to do the things others would say, and just nodded.

    For some odd reason, the torches that aligned the lanterns reminded him of childhood. When the red head and [Name] used to dress up and go to the festivals. They would dress up in a beautiful [Kimono/Yukata]* that was laced with a [Favorite Color] obi*. It's gorgeous color however never took away the beauty of the one wearing it however...


    "Satori! Can we go eat some Taiyaki*? There's a stand right over there!" A young [Hair Color] haired exclaimed as they tugged in the little red eye's arm.

They were only eight when they went to that special festival. The one where they shared the most laughs and the most precious moments known to the both of them.

    [Name]'s voice to Satori in each moment sounded like a siren promising they'd keep him away from all the troubles. They'd bring him to paradise if he took their hand. They however succeeded and the [Eye Color] eyed didn't even know it.

    They made Satori's heart light on fire. Dancing inside his chest as the flame only grew bigger till it could practically burst and set the world ablaze.

Nodding, the two children made their merry way towards the stand to eat the treat. It's sweet flavor brought little smiles to both of them. To save money, they shared one while they pointed out random stalls.

It was enchanting. Their lives written in some sort of fantasy love story, but it was one-sided sadly. At least, that's how Satori thought. [Name] was always so found of him. After all they spent a few years as friends already.

With that sparkle of admiration in their eye, the [Hair Color] haired believed that the red head could do anything he put his mind too. He could, just like they could. Through all of the name callings and threats, Satori never backed down. Not once in his life.

    It was just a single drop of a euphoric feeling that lasted forever on [Name]'s tongue. Then again, the sea sickness of slow burn always made it where nothing could've bee perfect for them. Satori was one who was hurt too many times, all he needed was a friend.

    It was a lot to take in for an eight year old. Not being able to confess to him after talking it over with their parents was still confusing for [Name]. Nonetheless, they still obeyed what their parents said and waited till they were older.

But what they didn't know was that they would be waiting for a long time. Hour after hour, day after day, years after years. The feeling of waiting is almost like humming a tune while staring into the endless view of the void.

    They wonder, [Name] wondered what it would feel his hand in theirs. Then again, a child can't grasp what really is love. They simply watch their parents.

One day they always hoped that Satori was their knight in shinning armor. Said boy wanted to be the charming prince that swooped in and saved their royal love.

They wanted something of each other, and they wanted to be something for each other. The two eight year olds, wanted—no needed to be together till the ends of the universe.

Heck, they were ready to be together when at that faithful gym. [Name] basically held their heart our for Satori to take in his. It brought a smile to both their faces whenever they held hands.

It might just be a kid thing and they truly weren't exposed to the definition of love. The red head asked his parents what did love feel like.

   "Well Satori, it feels like a fire burning inside your chest when you're around that person,"

    And that it was. It was a flame. Sparks would even fall off of it and sprout butterflies in his stomach. His red eyes felt like they were a deeper shade of red and formed hearts.

    Red. The fire was red, his heart was red, love was red. Red was the arrow that struck Satori. As cheesy and corny as it sounds, Satori never stopped loving them.

    It sometimes got so bad that he almost thought he had two minds. Chuckling, the boy lead on further into the street of warm lights. They'll return next year; once again, to do the same thing as many times as forever.

    "How about we all go eat some Taiyaki!"

    "Geez, don't yell out of no where,"

    'Cause even though he would be ant to live in the past a little longer, Satori knew that it's impossible. It was time to try to move on. Remember 'try'.
Taiyaki (鯛焼き): a fish-shape cake/snack filled with azuki sweet red bean paste. During the street fair and festivals, you'll see it being cooked on a fish-shaped iron mold.

Kimono: Derived from the words ki ("wear") and mono ("thing"), the kimono is a traditional Japanese garment. Kimonos come in a range of styles and patterns. They are typically hand-sewn into a "T" shape from 4 single pieces of fabric called tans and tied with an obi, or belt.

Yukata: The yukata (浴衣) is a casual version of the kimono. It is a robe usually made of cotton or synthetic fabric, wrapped around the body and fastened with a sash (obi). Yukata literally means "bathing cloth", and it was originally intended to be just that.
Recently, the yukata has also become a way of dressing for summer festivals. Increasingly fashionable designs have surfaced to a degree that it is sometimes difficult for the untrained eye to discern between a yukata and a kimono. Yukata for men generally have darker or more subdued colors, while that for young women are usually bright and colorful, often with floral designs. Yukata for matured women tend to be less flashy.

Information from: (Yukata, obi), (kimono, obi), Just One Cookbook (Taiyaki)

(Also because I'm too lazy to
actually put these things in my own

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