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    Clovers always symbolized luck and good fortune. It was rare to come across one. A clover could make someone's day whether they believe it or not. Some say it really does bring good luck. Others just feel the joy in finding something so rare.

    Finding the perfect someone is as hard as finding that certain four leaf clover. They might blend in so well you could've walked passed them right now. Maybe they were standing by your side since day one.

    What ever it may be, finding that certain clover isn't impossible. You just have to go in the right place to find it.


Red eyes slowly watched as fingers danced upon a canvas. Those fingers leading the paintbrush to create color on a blank space. It was watching a immortal creating the world as they knew it.

Curiosity would fill Satori's mind as he watched [Name] paint. He had no idea what it would be. It was kept a secret.

However, the red head wasn't only just skeptical in what the art would be, but what the artist was thinking. A small smile on that radiant [Skin Tone] face.

"Is it done yet? I wanna read 'Jump!' together! Let's go!"

"Calm down Satori, you cant rush art like you can't rush reading,"

Sighing, said boy rested his arm on [Name]'s head. He didn't really have a choice but to wait. He didn't want to break the tradition of doing everything together.

Satori deems his and [Name]'s friendship sacred; something that would have no value in money. It was basically all that he truly lived for. It was—well— you get it.

    For the hours [Name] spent, Satori could've left any moment. That was raising a few flags for himself. The red head may be a little oblivious to what he is feeling. After all, he never really experienced something quite like the [Hair Color] haired.

He felt at ease. It wasn't crazy filled wit adrenaline, but it did wear him out. Without even knowing it, Cupid struck his heart dead center. Ever since he saw the little one in the gym all those years ago, an arrow kept shooting at his heart. It was slowly killing him with love and he loved that.

A smile ghosted on his lips as he continued to watch the blank canvas fill with color. Although Satori noticed that his favorite color wasn't there. He couldn't really think what kind of thing would even look good without red.

Red was the color of love, fiery passion, and strength. All that the canvas had so far was shades of green. What could be so special in the world that didn't involve red?

    [Name]'s mind was a complete mystery every second of the day to him. Logic didn't seem to enter their mind at some points. A box with multiple locks. It might be hypocritical for him to say it was abnormal; however, it was just the right word.

"Hey Satori?"


"Do you want me to draw you next?"

    The red head blinked. Once—twice—and so on. He opened his mouth to accept the proposition but out came a chuckle. [Name] tilted their head in confusion as they watched the red head's giggles grow into all out laughter.

    "I'm sorry! It's just I told Ushiwaka to 'Paint me like one of your French girls' and he actually said yes,"

    Giggles were all that filled the room. The painting was now put in the back of the minds as the two discussed other rare hilarious moments. Most of them consisted of the blunt olive haired.

The red head would make an exception. That this scene would be the color green. For it was calm like the trees. It was soothing as the sea, and it was as rare as emeralds. Nothing could trade this moment. Not a single thing in the world the two live in.

    As red eyes trailed away from [Name], they spot an almost complete piece of art work. A four leaf clover. The lighting from a nearby window made the whole canvas glow a holy light. The sounds laughter began to fade away as the eyes continued to focus on the sight.

    Art was a strange thing to Satori. He never really understood how people even interpreted differently. All the art he's ever seen was the one in his weekly 'Jump!' (he gave the latest one to Wakatoshi who is still reading the ads). Nonetheless this piece right in front of him was the first thing he could understand wholeheartedly.

    The rarity of a simply leaf. There are thousands like it and it barely stood out. Yet we all see it's more valuable than the rest. A simple addition of a leaf gave it more meaning. It was an allegory really.

    It was how people viewed other. There are 7 billion people in the world yet one of those is the one you love. It was like in a clover patch yet one is rare. It's standard is raised by the person. In the eyes of Satori however, the [Hair Color] hair, the [Eye Color] eyes, and the glistening [Skin Tone] was the perfect human in the entire world.

"Sa~to~ri~, are you listening?"

Not to mention he fell in love with that voice of theirs. Sweet like honey. He would do a chef kiss right now if he wasn't trying to not make a joke out of himself.

    "Huh? Oh yeah! I am~,"

    A singsong reply as he leaned over [Name]'s shoulders, giving them a side hug. Rubbing their cheeks together, the red head made a semi purring sound. [Name] didn't question anything really because that was his usual self. If he didn't do that however that might raise a few flags (good thing to tell if someone's an imposter).

Whether [Name] is a three leaf or four leaf clover, they're still special. That light would never fade in those crimson eyes that oh so adored them.

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