All That I Had

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              "THE DAY YOU LEFT ME
                            YOU  WERE
                      ALL THAT I HAD,"


"Hey Satori! You aren't answering so I'm just gonna leave a voice mail,"

The sound of a muffled cough and background noises filled the silence as the recorded message began to play once again. Here in a red bedroom. Shelves that were filled with manga and that very same pencil and paper.

    The soft breeze went inside, blowing the curtains with it. Creaking of an opened window didn't help to silence the on coming message.

    "So far things have been going haywire and all, but I'll miss you. You see, I'm going to [Country Name] to visit family and probably study there,"

    Messy bed sheets. Empty cups of coffee. The sound of nothing and everything once again. Once again—this situation felt familiar. It was repeating. A loop in the world. This time however, struck its knife all too deep.

"Anyway, I hope to see you again soon! I'll send you trinkets through the mail!"

It was obvious through their voice that they were hiding the sadness. Even the most talented actors and actresses couldn't pull it off. Emotions were always something a human being couldn't handle.

"It is a big change for both of us and I can't wait till I return. I just—, I just hope I don't stay here too long. I miss my best friend,"

A soft sigh escaped their lips as the sound of an announcer in the background overpowered it. Static was evident which was made from moving around. The finally words of the message began to relay.

                        "Goodbye Satori,"

    If you'd ever wonder what true torture was like, now is a good example. Saying 'goodbye'. The thing that hurts even more than that word is the one you love saying it to you.

    Tear stains on the phone slowly dripped off onto the floor. Shaky hands clenched into fists. Dull red eyes that didn't have that shine anymore. This was what a simple choice drove Satori too. A choice that wasn't made by him but rather everything he had.

[Name] never knew what he felt towards them. They never knew anything really. Even though they spent forever with him, everyone had their secrets; it was always hidden from those who you trust the most.

    [Name] was someone's prime. They were when they had anything and everything. One moment that boy has the world; the next is when it's stripped away, leaving him bare.

Clank. The empty coffee mug fell from the desk and onto the floor. It's brown nectar leaving a small trail from it. Satori didn't even notice, being too indulged in his thoughts that trailed off into nowhere.

    It stopped until he thought about nothing. Nothing and nowhere were hard to think of. It's not a place yet it's indeed everywhere. That's where the red head felt like he was. Unable to accept where he is now, and slowly drifting off into another time; maybe another life.

[Name]'s words emptied him like that coffee mug that fell. His red eyes that looked onto his desk noticed that there were a couple of drops that got onto his paper. The very same paper that started his feelings. The ones that bubbles inside of him.

    Crumpled papers littered the floor and some of his mattress that Satori rested upon. They all had various sayings, ranging from 'you remind me of myself' to 'I can't even compare you to anything in the world'. Satori Tendō was indeed a lost cause when it came to love.

    If he had to pick an alias it would be 'the boy who loved from afar'. It was cliche but exactly how he felt. The only question that flowed out his mouth now was two words.

"What happened?"

    Many things however happened. It was one of those times when your mind went by and revisited those memories. The ones you keep in a safe box to come back to. It was like a time capsule inside your brain. 'Happy Place' was its name and we all have it.

    All Satori wanted to do was alter his memories. Where they all were as he pictured. A fairytale to better explain it. Some would say it was wishful or childish thinking, but the world is full of hypocrites.

    Satori in that moment wasn't a monster. He wasn't the monster the world saw or what [Name] saw. In that moment, he was a lost boy. He was a person who struggled like everyone else. As he meets gets attached to people, the more dangerous it becomes when they leave.

    "It's all just a lucid dream. Yeah, when I wake up they'll still be here and we'll do fun things. They wouldn't leave me to face the world alone...gosh I'm sounding so desperate,"

    Perhaps it was some sort of mental illness that the boy had to trigger those fond memories of childhood. The redhead had many wishes in the world but one of them was to go back in time and see when they first met again. Like a cinematic masterpiece.

It was lonely in the world. In the big blue and green planet. Satori wanted someone to be by his side in that world. Even though [Name] wasn't his, they were still best friends. He needed them as a best friend and much as a crush. It was slowly sickening him with puppy love once again.

Even though that voicemail on his phone carried the words he despised, Satori can't stop playing it. It was nice to hear a voice that wasn't provoking him. It was nice to hear a voice that supported him. Most of all, it mattered to hear a voice that was crystal clear in the middle of all the mumbles in his mind.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now