Wrote a Song

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                HOPING YOU WOULD
                         SING ALONG,"


Words are powerful. But if it's strung into a beautiful thing we call music, it means all the more wonder it brings.

    Satori had the idea of writing a song. One about a special person in his life. Everything was strange to him, even the words he says and writes. But one thing is clear that words are indeed powerful; and it's just the thing he put into his song.


A pencil, a paper, and a mind full of curiosity. The red head was trying to see what he was feeling. Maybe it was the never ending sea that kept crashing against his heart that brought him to feel like this. But, there's the question of how that same sea started.

    The sun had already set, bringing in only a shadow above the sky. Stars lined it like holes in a pocket we call the universe. In the open window, a breeze came; possibly from the other side of the world. No one would know where the wind or stars came from, and no one would even know where the feeling in his chest came from either.

In life, you don't question those things. In life, you don't seem to wonder about those things. In life—well—you don't seem care as much. But when the moment strikes when all questions start to appear; the moment when the moon finally touches the sea. That's when you find yourself wondering what it is that makes you feel this way.

As the pencil Satori holds steadies, he begins to write. The words pours out of the pencil like an overflowing cup of imagination. Words put thoughts into their physical form. Words seem to explore the endless. Words—in general are amazing things.

The red head didn't even know anything about this feeling when he started to write that song. His head was in cloud nine and never going back down.

Although he poured his heart and soul onto this one sheet of paper, something just felt missing. It wasn't missing like someone's missing sock. But there was that hollowness inside of it. Perhaps it was just the words itself that buried the hollowness into the paper. Maybe words weren't as powerful as we thought.

But all those thoughts seem to wash away into the drain as Satori continued to write. The missing piece of the puzzle didn't bother him as much as others would. After all he has no idea what a lot of others things are. Including the thing called love.

Words maybe powerful and hollow. But words are sometimes the things that explain anything and everything.

One thing was stumbling Satori however. He couldn't think of a beginning. It was too much thinking for a child around his age. Besides it was already passed his bedtime.

With a final yawn, his sight began to fade. His senses began to close, like a play ending. When he would wake up once again, a new day would already be there.

His body went limp. The pencil he was holding dropped onto the table and rolled off. Like stars falling down from the sky. Maybe, just maybe one day he'd find out what that feeling was.

    Only for now he would continue to wonder.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now