Sing Along

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    Unfolding the piece of paper that somehow ended up hurried beneath the pile of junk he had, Satori started up the train of finishing this song. If you couldn't tell, the feelings renewed once the red head was able to talk to [Name] again.

You might ask 'why doesn't he just get a knew paper?'. Well, it's the memories that he imprinted on the paper at those times that make it special. Sure coffee stains were obvious but you wouldn't throw away something so special.

Once or twice he even consulted his friend Eita or 'Semi-Semi' as he likes to call him about the tune. When the ash blonde asked why and found out, he simply laughed.

"So let me get this straight, you fell in love with [Name], which was obvious might I add; now you want me to help you write a song for her? You helpless four year old,"

Recalling the conversation, Satori couldn't think whether to scowl or grin at his reaction. Reminiscing about friends was always fun. Everything in Satori at one point was fun.

Humming his signature tune, he went back to conjuring the rest of the song. Past projects came and went away, yet this little piece of paper stayed as long as he could remember.

    Special things remain special. Like a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. It's weird how one can describe something so odd in many different ways.

    Whilst twirling a red pen, the identical red haired pondered more and more about words. Almost to the point where he got off topic very easily.


    So far the lyrics were quite repetitive. It was almost as if he said the same things over and over again. In life repeating is a bad thing. Whether it was success or failure.

"Why," pound "is it," pound "so hard?!"

Satori pounded his head on his desk, unable to think what would come next. Poor man's been at this for hours now. He tried to call Eita but it ended up with him insulting the ash blonde headed.

    Who would've thought that the Guess Monster would have trouble guessing what people like. Ironic, and ironically was how Satori also lived his life.

    He was a sucker for classic happy endings as well. Wishing upon a star, all that jazz. Life's a spectacle. You get one chance. It's sort of like a school year. One chance to get a good grade, one chance to impress your parents, one chance to ask out the most beautiful creature that comes to mind.

    Maybe he's a sucker for chocolate and Shounen Jump, but he's also a sucker in love. Being that sucker in love means that they're a sucker for a person. Being a sucker—you get the idea.

    As per usual one little thought would reach Satori's mind and make himself blush roses.

    "I wonder if they would like to hold my hand too,"

    A breathy sigh escaped the red head's mouth as his eyes began to droop. Tomorrow was a new day after all.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now