Summer Breeze

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                     WOULD MAKE ME
                        THINK OF YOU,"


Spring eventually would go away sometime. It evolves into summer. The time where the sun is high up in the sky. It's hot weather treated by cool activities.

But what's best about summer coming is the people who you get to spend that time with. Family, friends, lovers. All sorts of people come together.

Satori would always spend those oncoming summers with his friend. The season wouldn't really matter however; but every time a summer breeze would pass, they made the [Hair Color] haired all the more incredible.


    Nothing beats resting under trees when summer rolled around. The air just felt cleaner. Spring was a good season, sure; but nothing would beat the laughter of summer.

High school would roll around for Satori and [Name] anytime soon. Since Shiratorizawa was an academy most of their classmates would be the same.

It's been years since their first encounter. Everything just came and passed by like the wind. Time was never enough for anyone, but there's more time than we account for.

Yet as the gentle breeze passed, the two fell in bliss as they watched the sunset. The kind of bliss that left a taste on the tongue that begged for more.

     "Hey Satori? Say a few years would pass, would you still remember me?"

     The red head turned to the [Hair Color] one next to him. They were lying down on the grass, hands behind their head.

     "I could never forget the all powerful [Name] [Last Name]!"

The boy exclaimed as he started to do frantic hand motions in the air. The two sighed as they still looked at the sky. The dark green leaves making the occasional fall towards the ground.

Everything was surreal. It was as if it was being replayed time and time again. It was one of those moment where you could live in it again.

It was just [Name], Satori and the world. That's all they ever really wanted. As another gust of wind would come, their hair danced in it. The [Hair Color] and the red would frame their faces as they continued to have idle chatter.

    As the wind went away, a leaf fell. A single feather-like green leaf flew down. Landing on [Name]'s face and poking their eye.


They groaned as they slowly removed the crisp leaf. The boy next to them snickered a little before grabbing another leaf and putting it on [Name]'s face again.

"Hey Satori! Cut it out!"

    "Never! I'm the leaf monster!"

Laughter filled the air like fireworks at a festival. The laughter was as innocent as a flower slowly growing. It was many things in the end. Each sound that filled the air was a totally separate thing.

The sweet sound began to slowly fade away however. It was that firework show ending. It was the flower reaching its peak and then slowly withering. Once again, many things would describe the end.


Goodbyes were said. The joy of being together fell apart but both of them knew they would see each other once again. Perhaps it was tomorrow, the next day, or the next.

They would always find each other. It was like fate tying a thread. They would always remember each other whether for the better or worse. It was an unsaid agreement.

But it was always hard to understand. Sure, Satori trusted [Name] with his life, but there was always a lingering feeling. One of betrayal. It was taunting him. He was afraid.

After years and years of the constant looks and the bullying it would only be natural for this to come. Fear, anger, worry. They were all what he felt once his dear best friend had to leave.

He felt so vulnerable without them. With the [Eye Color] eyed, he felt like he could take on the world; now without them, everything would just begin to crumble right in front of his feet.

Satori's thoughts were no longer in order nor did they contain of joy. Though, he manage to act natural, hiding those thoughts behind a sweet smile.

[Name]'s image already faded away from sight. Only leaving behind a trail of grass from their pants and the occasional leaf that fell from their head.

It was just like that familiar feeling when the wind would pick up from somewhere in the world. It would go somewhere, then disappear somewhere else.

The breeze was just like [Name]. It was nice to cool down from it, but it keeps going away no matter how much you try to chase it.

     You can't catch the wind nor can you see it and taste it. You could only hear it and feel it go by. As it drifts away, it might not return.

     As one disappears from another's life, it is only up to chance that they might return or fade away into memories.

The whole idea of [Name] leaving scared Satori to no end. He just wanted some comfort. He wanted to feel high in the sky again. He wanted to feel the joy once again.

Satori drifted away in his thoughts. Thinking about anything and everything. Reality was always too much for him to handle, so he didn't mind zoning out.

And once again, another breeze drifted by. Carrying various leaves and some flower petals with it. Red eyes followed the trail that slowly disappeared from sight.

He was a little scared to admit, but he wouldn't mind be swept away. To travel new places and see new things from time to time. Being blown away would be a blessing and curse.

Either one would've had its benefits. The only thing they had in common however, was that they would remind Satori of the one who got swept away in the wind. Perhaps the one would return. Perhaps it would leave forever until a different time and a different life.

But the wind would always go. That's how the world works. As Satori entered his house, the wind stopped blowing by; a sigh of relief.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now