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             MADE ME THINK OF YOU,"


Being at a bachelor party was a great honor. You congratulate the groom and have a blast. Sometimes however, there's a lingering feeling of envy. Sure, it's selfish but people are selfish whether we like it or not.

Jealous that they found their special someone way before you might've had. There's many reasons why someone's envious of another. Satori is no exception.

One of his neighbors is holding their bachelor party tonight and sometimes the red head imagines it was him having it. Maybe a party for [Name] as well.


    Guys were dressed in suits as the groom got drunk. His apartment was mostly trashed as this point. Satori stood to the side, a little tipsy but able to tell his surroundings. Yup, the red head was at a bachelor party. Everything already went so wrong.

    First of all, when the groom told Satori there's going to be a party tonight, he was excited. He's never really been to a lot of parties so this one was big. The downside was that he didn't expect it to go down like this.

    With a glass of champagne in hand, the red head leaned against a wall beside the kitchen. An envy emotion plastered on his face as he stared into the group of drunks. They all looked carefree from a side effect of the alcohol.

    In Satori's perspective, he believes that the groom doesn't know how lucky he is. There was a possibility that he'd not even continue loving whoever he was marrying.

Oh how he wanted to be in his shoes. How the man envied the groom. Satori was one of the only ones that still remained single. The others had fiancés, or are already married. And here the middle aged red head single as a flickering street light.

As much as Satori wanted to congratulate the groom, he was still human. A human with selfish desires and envious traits. That's the word, desire. A strong word for many things one wants. Satori sometimes desires anything and everything. Most importantly, he desires [Name]. Was it greed that entered his mind? Maybe but one could only want what they can't have.

Ending his train of thought and moving onto the next one that decided to pass by, Satori now pictured how his wedding would be like. His future spouse dressed in beautiful white.

The red head's heart fluttered at the thought. I mean, whose wouldn't? It's your dang wedding for moment's sake. I guess the avid man have flaws, but that wouldn't stop him from ripping everything that holds him back.

    Having enough of his surroundings, Satori stepped outside onto the balcony. His dress shoes making a soothing tapping against the hard floor. Thinking too hard wasn't good for one's health. It even happened to him.

The breeze came by. It was always there when he needed a break. Reminiscing on the past or pondering about the future were two things to stress about. Yet the stress was easily blown away like the leaves of the wind. That very same wind would sometimes kiss his cheeks and make a shiver run down his spine. But that was the beauty of it. You'd never know what the wind was thinking.

    Satori's blazer danced with the breeze as his ears tried to pick up any other sounds than the drunken men. He instead found solace in a singing voice that was only a room down. That voice came from [Name]. Perhaps Lady Luck was on Satori's side after all.

    Something about the song was familiar. Almost too familiar. Maybe it was Satori's intuition that made him able to guess all the notes that happened next but it felt to planned. Like an unknown tune that a deity would sing, the sound was welcoming.

Shoulders dropping, hand rotating the glass of champagne, Satori let out a deep sigh. He began to hum with the tune. A duet like in one of those rom coms. It wasn't until after [Name] closed the balcony door that Satori realized where he's heard that song before.

    It was his song. The rhythm he was trying to figure out all these years. The sound came directly from who he was writing the song about. He'd to thank whatever helped him realize that.

"Well, screw the party! I found something much greater to spend my time on,"

Satori somewhat shouted to nowhere. He walked past the group of men who were now playing twister for some reason. He ignored their protests and refused to join in. Satori is an artist after all, an artist in chocolate and song writing. Right now, he has to get to work.


The pen had a mind of its own once Satori's fingers started to write down the notes. It flowed straight out onto the paper as if it's been stored for centuries.

Maybe the day that Satori would show [Name] the song he wrote would be here very soon. All that's left was to set a time and place. As the two aged, Satori's time to admit his feelings was running out.

Hopefully one day, he would sing the same song his lover would sing. One day he would have his own bachelor party and soon he would where his suit on the wedding aisle.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now