Barely Stand

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    Satori's vision was blurry and he could barley feel anything. Flashes of lights littered his eye sight before they shut once again. His ears ringed and it kept getting louder and louder. All he could think right now is 'what happened?'


A few hours before the present, Satori was in a rush. His restaurant/dessert shop just called because one of the workers set the kitchen on fire so Satori had to order a plane ticket on that day. The red head didn't even bother fixing his clothes, opting to just go there in causal wear.

After briefly throwing on something to wear, Satori exited the apartment complex, suitcases and plane tickets in hand. His hat was also practically flying off in the wind. That day wasn't a good day and it was only just the beginning.

The stop light felt like it took forever and asking for a taxi would just mean being stuck in traffic. Today was very unlucky. As if the dust of Lady Luck had run out on Satori, hurting his fortune.

Finally, the stop light turned red and Satori began to cross. If only he made it to the other side, he would've been to Paris and back fairly quickly. If only there wasn't a drunk driver speeding without knowledge of what he was doing wrong. If only—the red head had more time before it happened.

    All he heard were tires screeching, people yelling at him to move, and the sound of a crash before his world went dark. Flashes of lights were scattered across his vision. He could barley hold onto feeling and remain conscious. The world around him felt numb. Satori wondered what happened. At least, before he gave into unconsciousness.


    There was a ringing that started to fade away as Satori opened his eyes. His pupils dilated as he saw a bright white light. It was heavenly if he couldn't feel the pain in every single part of his body. Blinking away some dust that got into his eye, the red head looked around at his surroundings. 'Hospital...why am I at a hospi-,' his thoughts got cut off as a surge of pain filled his legs.

    Tears pricked his eyes as he looked down towards his legs. Both of them in casts and numb. Satori let out a shaky breath as he looked back up towards the ceiling. Unfortunate, that's what he was. That man could've picked any other day to get drunk then drive but he picked this day. The day where Satori was walking on that specific road to get to the airport.

    In the end, Satori no longer wondered what happened since he knew all too well now. He only wishes it didn't happen then maybe things would've gotten better.

"You know what they say, you can't get any worse when you hit rock bottom. Now hopefully things would get better. I should thanks to whoever was out there keeping me alive,"

Was what he said before he closed his eyes once again.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now