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                  ME THINK OfF YOU,"


    The gentle tapping of shoes on a sidewalk. A common thing you'd hear in any given place. It was soothing if you'd come to love it. Comforting, in a way where you know you're not the only one in this world with problems.

    Busy workmen, business ladies, every person in the world speed walking during rush hour. Familiar streets now renewed as a bustling city awoke.


    [Name] hasn't been in Japan for years. The air was just as they remembered it. Suitcases in hand, they got in the taxi and told the driver the address to their apartment. The [Eye Color] eyed was excited to be back in Japan, even more eccentric to move there as well.

    How much has their friends changed? It's been nearly twenty years since they moved to [Country Name] and almost twenty years since they've been in Japan.

    Already they've spotted new restaurants, offices, and bars they never seen before. Even that old lady who sat at the park bench now has a grandchild.

    The taxi made and abrupt stop at an apartment complex. It was middle class but it still looked nice. All the buildings surrounding it felt like [Name] was in a different country. Same city, new look.

Carrying the two suitcases towards the front desk, [Name] asked the lady that worked there where their apartment would be.

"Oh you're the newcomer! Well your apartment is on the fourth floor, second room to the left of the elevator,"

    The lady smiled and gave the key. However, before [Name] went in the elevator, they asked one small question.

    "Who's my neighbor?"

    "A nice gentleman, although he's in Paris right now for his job,"

'Paris huh, that's another place on the bucket list' [Name] thought as they hummed in response. The elevator ride was actually quite short and didn't even finish the jazzy song the [Hair Color] haired was getting in to.

    Following the directions the lady gave them, [Name] finally made it to their new home for a while. Breathing in and out, they swiftly opened their door to see the interior.

New home, new neighbors, new life. Obviously [Name] wasn't going to adventure out in the open world (mostly because they haven't spoken Japanese in years but they'll never admit that to themself) since that would be stupid.

The sounds of cars passing by and the tapping of people's shoes somehow lulled them to sleep. Suddenly the couch was more comfortable.


Another plane arrived later that day. One that came all the way from Europe to the land of the rising sun. A shaved red haired man went off of the plane from his restaurant in Paris.

Unfortunately, today wasn't his greatest. First of all, the taxi arrived very late and traffic never budged for a while. When he finally got out of traffic and went to his apartment, he went to open the front door of the lobby only to realize he forgot his key somewhere.

    He had to call one of his apartment neighbors to open the door at one in the morning. All Satori wanted to do was to drop dead on his nice and comfy bed. When he got to his floor however, he saw that his new neighbor arrived. Their light was on (which wasted electricity but we don't talk about bills) indicating someone was there or they forgot to turn off the lights. Either way someone moved in.

Deciding that he would greet them tomorrow was something he could've regretted. Yet the red head could've cared less. Entering his apartment, he went into slumber still in his business outfit. Not even knowing someone special was right next door.


A quiet knock—well knocked on the door of [Name]'s apartment. A familiar tune whistled behind it. At first, the [Eye Color] eyed was startled. This early in the morning someone came by.

    Shouting a quick 'I'll be there in a minute' the middle aged (and still single smh) rolled of the side of the couch. They considered fixing their hair since it'd leave an impression on whoever was knocking but right now, [Name] couldn't think straight.

With a slouched back and very messy bed hair, they turned the door knob. What they saw was definitely what they weren't expecting. Signature red hair and eyes. That same old tune and smile.

Both [Name] and Satori blinked in unison. The red head almost didn't recognize them if it wasn't for the little details that still remained the same over the years.

"Satori? Satori Tendō?"


Not a moment later, they wrapped arms around each other. After all these years they were finally there with each other, embracing the other. Heartstrings tugging before loosing. Tears slowly ran down both their cheeks as they chuckled. Vibrant red eyes looked into the glossy [Eye Color] ones.

    "What are you doing here? I thought—,"

    Satori was cut off by [Name] squeezing their hold on him. Like little kids, they preferred actions over words. It's what got them this far.

"I missed so much,"

[Name] sniffed as they looked down, not wanting to have more eye contact. Heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. Instead of looking at his eyes, [Name] thought to look down and rest their eyes on his shoes.

They looked like they've been everywhere due to how worn they were. It also reflected everywhere Satori has gone in those years. Where he travelled, biked and most importantly where his feet decided to take him.

    On that very same day, they shared smiles and tales of what they did over the years. They were back home in Japan but it really wasn't the country that was home. It may sound corny but they felt like home with each other.


    There were two pairs of shoes outside [Name]'s door. One for them and one for a certain someone. Those shoes didn't leave 'till the next day. It was like a day off from them, from traveling. What better way to rest a walker's feet than over a cup of tea and someone to talk to about the adventures.

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