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    The song never left Satori's mind as everyday since he continued to write his song. He poured his heart and soul into the words. One day he always hoped that [Name] would hear it. That one day they could smile when it's tune would play.

As the morning would turn into the evening that would eventually turn into night, there was always a thought about the song. It wasn't just the words he had to worry about but also the tune. Would it be a sugary sweet cotton candy one or would it be silky smooth honey?


    Satori sat on his bed, head leaning against the window as he stared up at the sky. Stars would appear and disappear every now and then. Sometimes he could spot a constellation. Being him was indeed lonely sometimes.

    They say shooting stars would grant a wish. A kids tale most would say. Yet the red head loves all kinds of stories and believed quite a few. Life was full of surprises. It might just grant a wish if you experience a phenomenon.

    As the white light glimmered through the sky, Satori got on his knees. The moonlight outlining a part of his face.

    "They say a shooting star would grant a wish. So I guess here's mine,"

    Deep breathes, the silence of the room making Satori a little nervous. Eyes darting ant and everywhere. Gulping, he continued.

    "There's this person I like. They have [Eye Color] eyes that I could stare at for days! Their [Short/Tall] height makes them perfect for cuddling! Also—,"

    He caught himself fangirling over [Name] like how he would do over his manga. If someone was recording this, it would be perfect blackmail. Coughing and clearing his throat, the crimson eyed did his best to try and not fangirl afterwards.

    "Well, I want to write them a song, but I don't know how. They're so special; I'm just worried it'll never be enough,"

    He clenched his fists together as he felt the tears prick the corners of his eyes. The stars twinkling in response as if they've heard his call thousands of times before. Those same words of anxiety that the white lights have heard one too many times.

    "Maybe you could give me the inspiration. The write words to write. The ones to make a smile. To make a heart flutter into a million butterflies,"

    It was hard for Satori to let out his feelings. A tear slowly ran down the side of his cheek and onto his mattress. Glossy eyes now shined as the night sky only filled with more stars.

    "I'm not good with words nor people, but please to someone out there who may be listening to my cries; let me have a chance. All I need is one chance and I promise I won't mess it up,"

    Soft sobs now filled the air as Satori looked over to the blank sheet of paper that sat on his desk. Crumples of other sheets overflowed the trash can.

    Perhaps one day that sheet of paper would fill up. Maybe in the present, he would have to bear the wait. The only question that left his mouth was two words.

"What happened?"

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now