Every Little Thing

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    "Breathe in and out Satori!"

One of said red head's friends Eita said as he fixed Satori's tie. Today was yet another special day. The room was covered with white, the best man was minding his own business (nice going Wakatoshi). You probably already guessed what the occasion was and what was happening.

"I'm trying! It's just hard when you have to stand still and not run out to your soon to be spouse!"

    The ash blonde sighed as he patted down the red head's suit. Satori was struggling and that's a fact. He's as nervous as the times when he opened up a restaurant, was in the hospital, heck even that time when the new shounen issue didn't come out on time.

    By now Satori was rambling again about all the possible things that can go wrong. Eita was too tired to deal with anything anymore so he pushed Wakatoshi in and went to probably go set up some instruments.

    The stern and monotone olive haired just stared at his friend whilst he contemplated on everything. Wakatoshi made one solid move and it was resting his hand on Satori's shoulder. There were barely times when the great Wakatoshi Ushijima would show emotion. Yet, when Satori looked at him, the olive haired smiled faintly.

    This effectively managed to shut the red head up (slow clap for Wakatoshi).

    "Tendō-San, I'm sure your fiancé won't mind if anything goes wrong. It proves that they would still love you,"

    Satori busted tears at his words. It might've not seem like much but if you've known Wakatoshi for years, that'll be the most heartwarming thing he could say. Words were never the two's specialty but they understand on a deeper level those words couldn't describe.

Taking in two deep breathes, Satori was ready for the happiest day of his life. Everything was going to go amazing. Perhaps it was the excitement that made the rest of the wedding go by in a flash. Stopping occasionally when tears were shed. The flashing stopped when the beautiful figure was walking down the aisle.

People were sobbing, even some of Satori's teammates shedded some tears (especially Tsutomu). The [Hair Color] haired all dressed in white with a bouquet in hand surely was a sight to see. The organ player played to his fullest as [Name] walked down the aisle.

The [Eye Color] eyes looked at Satori with pure love and admiration and the look of gratitude to the best man Wakatoshi who was standing behind him.

There, right there in that moment could just freeze forever and Satori would be happy. Though he wouldn't get to the best part. Without any context, you'll know what I'm talking about.

That's how amazing this world works
with words.

"Do you take [Name] as your humbly
wedded spouse?"


Because as much as we express with
words, there would always be the

    The two in the alter slowly moved closer together until their lips pressed together as the sounds of the crowed boomed. It melted and swayed like a slow dance in the sun.

And there was always that
unexplainable feeling
I couldn't express when
  you kissed me.

"Darling? I wrote you a little song that I'd
like to share,"

It took me to write a song
that explained everything that
reminded me of you.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now