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Movies have a good impact on society. They help illustrate many things. They could be an original or based on a book. One of Satori's all time favorite was one about a knight.

The knight shined on top of the hill like he had no worry. There was no worry about fighting an entire army. To gain the confidence that he had. In the end, the only strength he had was willpower, and even that would wash away someday.


    The red head was once again reading his Shounen Jump in his room. A dimly lit lamp to the side of him. Turning the page, he would always await what would happen next.

The main character was swinging his sword to defend his friends and loved one. Satori admires that. That this person born in an unfortunate world was able to gain the strength to protect them. After so many trials and errors he still pulled through.

Crazy right? Aspiring to be a fictional character in the real world. Luckily, Satori was also 'crazy'. Crazy as the word itself. Yet, that's one of the things [Name] loved so much about him. It might not sound ideal but they wished to be crazy together. Forever.

A sickening sweet romance lied just around the corner of their relationship. They'd be the craziest couple ever existed. Partners in crime as they would say.

    As the red head ventured out into the bustling streets, he imagined that the buildings were no longer there. That the cars were replaced with horses and the concrete sidewalk was now soft soothing grass.

    The perfect fantasy world. A place where many wished to be. Maybe it's home sweet home. Who knows really, but that's the joy of the future. Infinite amounts of choices with infinite amounts of endings.

     Satori would like to thing that life was some RPG game. You'd do quests for friends and build up your party. Life was fun if you make it that way. Although it's truly only fun if you can play it with a special someone.

     It's like those games that makes playing together all the more fun like Mario Party. Fun get togethers with his former teammates passed his mind when he thought that.

Perhaps it was another thing that you reminded him of a sword. It was the soldier that wielded it. Brave, strong. Call Satori a simp all you like but it's true.

    Maybe it was the choice of words that made them the blade wielding knight. Snarky remarks here and there that they didn't even notice. It was—how would you describe it..admirable.


    Satori skipped down the streets on his way to college. A place to get a education and make a better name for yourself. His final year and he still doesn't really even know what to do. Sure he's fixed on doing something that relates to his favorite food (spoiler alert it's chocolate ice cream). Yet what about a family. Maybe a kid or two.

    Once again his thoughts drifted to [Name]. He called his little feeling for them a 'chocolate kind of love'. You know when you love someone so much that you could picture mini 'thems' running 'round the house, then you know how it feels to be Satori Tendō.

Satori is a flawed human being. So is [Name]. Everyone who entered and left this world is flawed. Yet why does it feel like one person in the entire world is perfect when you're in love. Maybe t'was the sword. The very same sword that [Name] wielded, is, and struck through Satori's heart.

    Chuckling to himself, he made his way onward to class. Thinking about the pure fantasy he wished to be in. Maybe even they could be in it too.


"Hey Satori! Long time no see!"

The sound of [Name]'s voice bursted through his phone as he face timed them. Being in different time zones made it difficult to contact each other so the two finally planned a time.

They looked really different. Their hair [Grew/Shortened] and it looked way more mature than their high school days. It suited them exquisitely. Their smile still perky as ever; nothing would ever take away that except death itself.

    "How've you been? I heard all about your major and please when I see you in real life, make me some chocolate!"

    A snicker fell from the red head's mouth. It was nice to see his childhood friend again, sadly it wasn't in person. Nonetheless, it was worth the while to feel a familiar presence only behind another screen.

    It was never about Satori. Instead, it was about the love of his life. The love that decided to pop up out of nowhere yet now seems to be everywhere.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now