Musical Kittens

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    Life now days was changing. The world was in a modern society for the better or worse. As life furthered, so did [Name] and Satori. After Satori was up and out of the hospital, he spent more time with his dear beloved. Not a single worry in the world.

    Was it weird now that they admitted they liked each other? Yes. Was it awkward and sometimes they both wanted to die from embarrassment? Definitely. Would they change a thing about it? Not in a hundred years.

Their relationship was weird. Like the new fads that came out every now and then. Most of them involved cats like piano cats or just cats being liquid and fitting into bowls. An oddity, but boy it gives you a good laugh.

    Life was good and as the months and a few years went by, Satori bought a special ring. One that comes once in a life time. One for a special someone aka the light of his life. As cheesy as it sounds.


Two people were holding hands as they went on the bride at the park. Laughter and giggles of the couple spread throughout their day like wild fire.

    They both skipped their way towards the pond filled with koi fish. The [Hair Color] haired smiled at how far they've gotten in life. They can't recall when they had this much fun with Satori after he went to the hospital.

"Hey [Name]? You know I love you right?"

The abrupt question left said [Name] a bit confused.

"Of course Satori! Come on you told me you've liked me since grade school,"

The red head in return snickered at their response. It was embarrassing but true nonetheless. As his suppressed laughter died down, you could see the gleam in his eyes. One of fondness and familiarity.

"I'll always love you till the ends of the universe. So theirs something I want you to have..."

The [Eye Color] eyed was excited to see what was in store. Satori was known for surprises and not once did he let them down. It wasn't until the red head slowly got on one knee that [Name] felt their heart speed up and the water works coming. They put a hand over their heart to try and slow down the aching but nothing worked.

"We lived our lives as a cliche nineteen hundred's film and maybe that's a good thing. Are relationship is as weird as musical kittens and as unpredictable as burning your toast. Yet those things don't change anything about my love for you. So [Name] [Last Name]? I ask would you happily take this ring and my last name? Would you marry me?"

    Bystanders were now interested in the situation that was going on. They anticipated that [Name] would say yes but you never know.

    "Satori Tendō, you've made me the happiest person on this Earth and there is not one thing that can stop me from saying yes,"

    Not a single heart beat later, [Name] put the ring on their finger, grabbed Satori into an embrace and kissed him. Cheers of the bystanders and clapping sounded throughout that day.

There was no sadness, no anxiety and no problems right then and there. Their future looked bright together and that's how it'd stay. For a hundred years more and a hundred years after that.

𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 // SATORI TENDŌ ☑Where stories live. Discover now