Chapter 2

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The bumpy landing didn't do anything in terms of helping your anxiety over the whole situation. As the jet began its descent, you stirred awake with a jolt, a gasp falling from your lips. 

"Morning sleeping beauty," Derek laughs, adjusting his sunglasses. Emily had changed into her sundress already, and Hotch was rockin' a polo. You look up and see Spencer asleep above you, lanky body draped over the back of the couch, quiet snores leaving his parted mouth. "We're here. Wake up pretty boy over there" 

Lifting your arm you poke at his cheek, laughing at the scowl that appears on his face as he comes to. He groans dramatically and throws his head onto yours, mumbling something about 2 more minutes. 

"Spencer get off of me," you giggle, pushing his dead weight up and sitting upright. Emily whispers something to Derek that you can't quite make out as Reid finally gets his bearings. You notice he had taken off his sweater and was left in a plain white tee shirt, exposing his biceps that were surprisingly toned. No, Y/N, stop thinking that way. "So what's the game plan, Hotch?"

"SUVs are picking us up and bringing us to the compound. From there, we just stay within our safety zone until there's a break in the case," Hotch explains. You watch amusedly as he tries to loosen up while still maintaining his authority. "I have to warn you all, Garcia has already texted me and it looks like the booze is flowing" 

"Perfect," you laugh as the plane touches down, grabbing your bag as the pilot gives the all clear to disembark. Reid follows behind you, looking around at the palm trees surrounding the air field. "Shit, it's humid here" 

"Good thing we have a pool," Derek notes, met with unanimous nods. "Y/N, just a warning, when I get in the pool try not to stare too hard. It's not polite" 

Emily snorts and hits him playfully, rolling her eyes at his joke. You giggle and raise a brow playfully as you approach the SUVs. 

"Y/N and Reid, take that one," Hotch points, noting your giant suitcase. You both nod and settle in the backseat, greeting the FBI agent/driver/private security with a wave. 

The drive to the compound is short, and mostly consists of Spencer pointing out different types of greenery and birds that you pass. His foot is still tapping and you can tell he's trying to distract himself, so you ask questions to keep him talking, despite not giving a single shit about anything he's saying. 

"This is it?" he finally asked amazedly as the car enters through a gate, only to be followed by a short drive down a scenic path and another gate. The main house is gorgeous, a sight out of Good Housekeeping with perfectly kept landscaping and a beautiful modern chandelier visible through the main window. Two smaller houses rest on each side with gates that lead to what you can only assume is the pool. 

"Holy shit," you say, mouth agape as you get out of the car and walk around to the trunk. Spencer grabs your suitcase for you and you smile, heading toward the house with a childlike wonder. 

"Ciao Bella!" Rossi's familiar voice greets you in the foyer, his white vacation pants making you laugh as he instantly hands you a glass of wine. "Glad you could join us!" 

"You do realize there's a serial killer after us, right?" you laugh and give him a hug, staring around the massive entrance. 

"Yeah, but we're powerless to it," he shrugs, the wine clearly helping the situation. "May as well kick back and enjoy this gorgeous villa. The bureau will handle the rest" 

Spencer taps his foot again, looking around anxiously before asking, "which bedroom should I take?" 

"Hello my spring chickens!" Penelope bursts in on cue, cheeks flushed and a big smile on her face as she hugs the two of you like you've just returned from war. "I'm so glad you're finally here!" 

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