Chapter 21

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i'm the queen of adding filler chapters to make my stories last longer oops but yeah this is mostly a transition to get ~~~back to virginia~~~

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i'm the queen of adding filler chapters to make my stories last longer oops but yeah this is mostly a transition to get ~~~back to virginia~~~

ALSO WOW I CANT BELIEVE HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE READ THIS STORY IM BLOWN AWAY AND LOVE U ALL AND READ EVERY SINGLE COMMENT!<3 thank u thank u thank u that's what keeps me going so seriously thank you and keep the feedback coming :D 

warnings: a lil smut OOPS and mentions of a sub drop/subspace, mentions of the events of ch 19 aka the undercover incident. also lots of grossly cute fluff. ok that's it for warnings!! 


The next morning, you don't wake until it's almost noon. It isn't until Spencer gently shakes your shoulder, whispering your name sweetly, that you open your eyes. Adjusting to the harsh sunlight through the window, you look around to see his suitcase by the door. 

"What time are we leaving?" you grumble, sitting up slowly. You inhale sharply at the friction on your ass, undoubtedly still red and possibly even bruised from last night. 

"The team went back at 6 am," he says. "They're sending the jet back for us and it should be here in another hour or so." 

You look at him curiously, opening your mouth to ask another question before he cuts you off. He explains his conversation with Hotch, hands toying with yours as he talks about getting reprimanded for risking the operation. 

He tells you after initially being pissed off and confused, Hotch backed down a bit, only telling Spencer to make sure it doesn't happen again. He apparently didn't even ask about whatever was going on between you two, clearly suspicious but preferring to remain in the dark. And then he told Spencer to make sure you're alright and let you rest. Damn. Okay.

"But you do have to take a few days off," he explained, chuckling when you groan dramatically. It's not that you don't like the idea of taking it easy for a few days, that sounds enticing. But not seeing Spencer at work is gonna be a real bummer. "I'm taking a personal day tomorrow. I told Hotch I'm meeting with Georgetown about lecturing in a psychology course this semester. But it's actually just a 30-minute phone call." 

"Dr. Reid, look at you lying to the boss man," you grin, leaning forward to give him a kiss. He playfully pushes you away, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Seriously Spence, I appreciate it." 

"I know," he pulls you back toward him, lips meeting yours sweetly. You lay back on the bed, grinning against his lips as he begins to move his mouth, deepening the kiss. You tangle your hands in his hair, melting under his touch, a sigh leaving your lips when he pulls away and lays next to you. "How are you feeling today?" 

"Fine," you shrug, fingertips tracing patterns on his chest. You think about how you always want to be close to him, touching somehow, as if he'll disappear if you aren't making direct contact. Touching him reminds you he's real. You ponder his question for a second, identifying your own emotions. "I guess just a little, I don't know how to explain it, needy? Like I just want you to hold me forever and never let go." 

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