Chapter 3

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"Where'd you disappear to?" you call into the cottage, peering around to see Spencer laying on his bed reading. He had changed into a pair of athletic shorts, the sight of them hanging low on his hips making your stomach flip. Damn, he looks good. The sun had given him a bronze glow that made his stubble look even hotter, and the disheveled nature of his hair made you think about running your fingers through it.

Fuck. It's only day 1 and you're already thinking this way. They're right, you like Spencer Reid.

"Just needed to get out of the sun," he shrugs, looking up from his book as you enter his bedroom. You nod, boldly flopping down on the bed next to your friend, who cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably. "Are you wet?"

"W-what?" you stutter, mouth agape at how bold he was being. Was he saying what you think he's saying? Your mind races, trying to come up with an answer.

Thank goodness you didn't continue speaking, because as you look down at your bathing suit, it registers. His question was innocent, and the confused expression on his face followed by an awkward head shake makes you want to go underwater and never come up. You're the one with the filthy mind. A crimson blush paints your cheeks as you awkwardly stumble, "Oh uh n-no I dried off and laid in the sun for a while."

"I just hate sleeping on damp bedsheets," he answers curiously, and you swear you can see a smirk on his face. You sit up quickly, desperate to get out of this situation. "Where are you going?"

"To get ready for dinner," you say, voice still a bit shaky. You wonder if he notices for a second before realizing that he definitely does, being a professional profiler and all. "Rossi is making some chicken thing I guess, wants us to all eat together as a team"

"Alright, I'll start getting ready then too," he puts down his book and tilts his head at you, a smile tugging at his lips. He calls your name just as you're standing in the doorway, raising an eyebrow when you turn around nervously. He pulls his lip between his teeth before lowering his voice ever so slightly. "You're a naughty girl, aren't you?"

Knees nearly buckling, you almost choke on your words as he smirks, shaking his head at your response. You say nothing, nearly running back to your room to change for dinner, closing the door behind you to catch your breath.

"Shit," you whisper. He's onto you.


Wiggling into your flowy striped pants, you examine yourself in the mirror, carefully fixing one of your hoop earrings. For the first night, you had decided to dress up ever so slightly, opting for summer-y pants and a black cropped tank top with a simple necklace.

"Well look at you," you hear a voice from the doorway, smiling at the sight of Emily in a green sundress. She walks into your room in search of blush, thanking you when you point her to your make-up bag. "For zero notice, you packed some cute stuff!"

"I'll run out of cute clothes by the end of the week," you laugh. "And it'll be old tee shirts and gym short central"

"You'll still look fine as hell," Derek's voice echoes from the hall, a shit-eating grin on his face as he walks in and sits on the edge of your bed. "Damn Y/N, what's the occasion? Trying to impress someone?"

"Shut up," you shake your head with a low chuckle. Profilers never let you get away with anything. For a moment you consider sharing what Reid had said earlier, but decide against it last minute because of the inevitable teasing that will follow. "Should we head over? Is Spencer ready?"

"He's over there already," Emily says. "He was talking to JJ upstairs"

Oh. The twinge of jealousy that hits you is both unwarranted and confusing, but only further shows you that as much as you try to push it down, your crush on Spencer is growing. A lot.

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