Chapter 22

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first off, this story is almost at 100k reads!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! im at a loss for words and appreciate you all so so much! each comment and vote and message brings my heart so much joy, so seriously thank you a million!!!! :D 

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first off, this story is almost at 100k reads!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! im at a loss for words and appreciate you all so so much! each comment and vote and message brings my heart so much joy, so seriously thank you a million!!!! :D 

i'm thinking this story will likely end around chapter 30, give or take a few. but don't worry because i have another story in the works :) i just don't want to keep this going too long to the point where it's not well written. quality over quantity. but I really think you guys will like the new story I've started - it's very different from this one and also like nothing I've seen on Wattpad before :) 

PS check out my tumblr!!! [ ]

anyway, thank you for reading this rambling AND THIS SILLY LITTLE STORY!! and enjoy this chapter :) xo mj  

warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of blood and mental illness


You aren't sure if it's the sound of your teeth chattering or the rumbling of the air conditioner that wakes you up, but as you open your eyes and reach over toward Spencer's spot in his bed, he's not there. 

After the BAU jet dropped the two of you off, Spencer had insisted you stay at his place during your days off. He claimed he just wanted to see you, but your profiling skills told you it's so he can keep an eye on you after everything that happened. Normally, that protectiveness would piss you off - you made it this far on your own, after all. But when it comes to Spencer Reid, his compassion makes you fall even more in love. 

Brows furrowing, you get up and wrap the blanket around your shoulders, sliding your feet over to his dresser in search of a sweatshirt. As you slip on one of his old yet hardly worn hoodies, the sound of voices in the living room piques your interest. 

You stand still, trying to decipher what's being said and who it is Spencer's talking to. He sounds exasperated as you tip toe toward the door, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation. 

"Mom, I need to call them at least," Spencer says, sighing. You run back to bed, knowing his cell phone is still on the nightstand, not even having a moment to process what he just said. His mom is here?  His voice gets closer as you listen with closed eyes. "No, stay out here. I have books over there to keep you occupied. It'll just be a few minutes." 

The door creaks open and you yawn groggily, rubbing your eyes to sell the whole just-woke-up thing. Not that he would notice either way, from the frustrated way he flops down on the bed and places his hands over his face. 

"Everything okay?" you ask, rolling to your side and brushing a stray piece of hair off of his forehead. He shakes his head, fingertips dragging under his eyes. 

"My mom showed up here," he speaks lowly, eyes troubled. You know about Diana and her struggles with mental illness, and Spencer had mentioned her dementia one night while having a heart to heart on the island. But you still had yet to meet her. "She's fully cognizant. Told me she snuck out of the care facility, that I busted my ass to get her into by the way, and she came by for a visit." 

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