Chapter 10

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a/n: hello! sorry it's been a few days since the last update i've been super busy with work and classes. this is kind of short and is like all smut so doesn't do too much to advance the plot but i didn't want to leave y'all hanging. hoping to update again this weekend xo

daily reminder to comment/vote/all that jazz and follow my tumblr !!!! 

ps this gif can work anywhere but i put a * where i pictured that face<333 


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Spencer's words ring in your head like a lullaby, soothing you to sleep with his arms wrapped around you. 

It's not until the next morning, when you wake still pressed against his warm body, that things begin to register. He loves you. You love him back. 

"Y/N," his raspy voice sends shivers down your spine, a sleepy grin plastered across his face. Spencer leans forward and sloppily kisses the corner of your mouth, resting a hand on your hip. You hum contentedly, hand settling on the back of his neck. "You still mean it, right?" 

Looking at him confused, you press your forehead to his. Despite proving he's unafraid to take charge sexually, unafraid to pin you against doorways and edge you until you cry, Spencer's demeanor is reserved, even vulnerable.

"Of course I mean it," you assure him sweetly, stroking his cheek. "I should be asking you the same thing. I'm hard to love." 

"Don't say that," he says, tone serious. "Loving you is the easiest thing I've ever done. It's like second nature. And it has been for a while now, I just pushed it down." 

"When did you know you loved me?" you ask curiously, prompting a smile on the sleepy genius's face. He gives you a look signaling that he's not going to let go of what you just said, but he answers the question anyway.

"You can't laugh," he starts, and you feel butterflies at the blissfully happy look on his face*. "But it was when we were on that stakeout in Portland a few months back. You made me stop at McDonald's on the way and we sat in the car for hours outside of that guy's house just talking and laughing and singing along to the radio." 

"And the motherfucker wasn't even home!" you belly laugh, face flushing at the memory of Spencer gradually loosening up as the hours passed. He had started in full business mode, but was performing enthusiastic air drums to Phil Collins songs by sunrise. 

"It just made me realize how authentic you are," he continues happily, fingers tapping along your outer thigh. "And that you bring out a good side of me. I think that's a huge part of what makes us love someone, you know, is comfortability." 

There's no need to respond, your tender kiss on his lips is enough to signal that you're on the same page. His eyes squint adorably as a smile spreads across his face, tugging you into him even closer. You throw your left leg over his right hip, humming as his lips connect to your neck. 

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