Chapter 15

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hi hi hi sorry this week has been crazy busy!!!! here's an update! it's kind of short/not a ton of actual plot because I needed a transition chapter to get the squad back to Quantico!!! So here we are!!! enjoy and thank you guys for all the comments they make my day! <3 

warnings: slight angst/mentions of angst, smuuuuuuttt

warnings: slight angst/mentions of angst, smuuuuuuttt

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** = gif placement u know the drill by now


By the time you collect yourself and step outside, the sun was peeking through the clouds. Enthusiastic cheers come from the team as you step out into the pool yard, a smile on your face as you take a seat at the table next to Spencer. 

"Here you are," Rossi grins, handing you a plate of eggs and waffles, sliding an iced coffee in your direction. You thank him sweetly and take a bite, the team getting back into their own side conversations. 

"Are you okay?" Spencer asks you quietly, rubbing your back sweetly. You nod, giving him a smile before sipping your coffee. This gesture wasn't enough for him, because he continues whispering to you. "Are you sure? We don't have to talk about it now, but at some point, okay?" 

"Yeah, Spence," you try to brush him off. Confronting your commitment and intimacy issues is the last thing you want to be doing on this beautiful day. "We will." 

"Good," he says calmly. You can tell he's bothered, the cogs in his mind spinning at an even faster pace than usual. But he squeezes your thigh reassuringly before turning to talk to Derek. 

You finish your breakfast, finding yourself deep in debate with Garcia about which Kardashian is the most likable when Hotch stands up, holding his ice water in the air and clinking it with a fork. You all turn to your boss, curious grins on your faces. 

"I don't say this enough, but I am very lucky to have you all," he begins. "This entire situation was unpredictable and at times tense, but we have made it through and can now go back to work. But for today, I will be napping on the dinosaur float and trying not to think about the paperwork that's going to be sitting on my desk when we return." 

"Cheers!" JJ giggles, all of you clearing your plates and moving to enjoy the pool one last time before it's back to Quantico. Where there's no more lazy days or sangria pitchers or paleontology themed floats. 

Back to reality. Or whatever your new reality would be.


"It's time to wake up," Spencer's voice rings in your ear the next morning, his supple lips planting kisses down the side of your face. "Y/N, you can sleep on the jet. Come on, up and 'attem. The car is leaving here in 30 minutes." 

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