Chapter 17

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hiiiiiii sorry this is overdue lol and once again more plot nothing too juicy but its coming<3 enjoy also go to my page bc i listed my tik tok username and i saw my first tok about this fic the other day and almost started sobbing out of excitement

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hiiiiiii sorry this is overdue lol and once again more plot nothing too juicy but its coming<3 enjoy also go to my page bc i listed my tik tok username and i saw my first tok about this fic the other day and almost started sobbing out of excitement. thank u all for liking my work!!!!! ur angels.

warnings: mentions of a (fictional) BAU case that involves death, violence, sex

you know the gif drill ;) 


The smell of fresh coffee hits you as soon as the elevator doors open, a smile creeping upon your face at the sound of chatter in the bullpen. After a relaxing weekend full of take-out, documentaries and several orgasms, it's time to get back to work. 

Which means you have to act like you don't love Spencer. And he has to act like you were nothing more than a convenient fuck. If you had to guess, you wouldn't be nominated for any Academy Awards. 

"Why hello my beautiful butterfly!" Garcia practically squeals when you arrive at the desks, hugging you tightly. "I know it's only been two days but seeing you here in this building again is different!" 

"Hey guys," you grin, placing your bag down at the table before joining the circle. Spencer gives a friendly smile and a hello, waving casually with the same hand he used to spank your ass red just 12 hours ago.  

Shit. Stop thinking that way, Y/N. It's time to be professional. You clear your throat. "Do we have a case?" 

"I don't think so," Emily answers. "But Hotch has been in his office all morning with the door closed. I think someone from administration is with him." 

The jig is up, you think. Not even 10 minutes into your first day back and you're already gonna be transferred. Fuck. 

 But you nod calmly, eyeing Spencer to see if he's internally freaking out the same way you are. He looks unbothered, leaning on the edge of the desk and typing away on his phone. 

The conversations die down as everyone drifts to their own work stations, looking at the folders filled with case files to review. You eye the unoccupied desk across from yours, secretly wishing Spencer would move there so you could stare at his picturesque face all day. But that would be too obvious. Eyeing your phone, you unlock it to check the notification that just popped up. 

Spence: Relax. It's not about us. 

He knows you so well. Smiling to yourself, you type out a reply. You don't know that though! 

Spence: Yes I do. Everyone here thinks it was casual sex that we're no longer having. That's allowed. Just act accordingly and things will be fine. 

You start typing, considering telling him that Morgan knows about your love confessions. But you decide against it, trusting your friend enough to keep the secret. You settle with a simple thumbs up emoji. 

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