Chapter 4

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"Morning sleepyhead," JJ laughs as you appear in the main house, eyes still sleepy. Your interaction with Spencer had left you restless, thoughts racing as the secret hope that he'd burst into your room and make you his never left the back of your mind. "Feeling better today?"

"Yeah," you smile, happily accepting the cup of coffee that Hotch was offering you. Taking a seat at the counter, you peer around the room. Rossi was in the recliner with the newspaper, JJ and Hotch were making breakfast, and Emily, Morgan, Garcia and Reid were all sitting around the kitchen table, talking about something you couldn't quite make out. "What's the plan today?"

"The plan?" Emily laughs from the table. Looking over, you make brief eye contact with Spencer, both of you quickly glancing down and shifting nervously. What the hell. Emily continues, "we can't exactly go anywhere. So my guess is same as yesterday: pool and booze"

"Sounds good to me," Rossi chimes in, smirking as he sips his coffee. Something tells you that he put whiskey in it already.

"I guess I'll go change into my bathing suit then," you shrug, grabbing a handful of blueberries and walking toward the backyard. Spencer stands and says he's going to do the same, a shiver running down your spine as he follows you back into the guest house.

"Can I ask you something?" you say boldly as he closes the door. His hair is still messed up from sleep, the growing stubble on his face taking form in a mustache of sorts. Spencer nods and looks at you curiously, as if he hadn't turned you to putty in his hands just hours before. "What is it that you want here, Spencer?"

"Excuse me?" he asks, rather amused. You groan at his response, throwing your hands up and walking into your room, flopping on the bed. He follows you, standing in the doorway with crossed arms and an intimidating stare. His eyes narrow, watching you intently as if he's a predator and you're his prey. "Y/N, if you want to say something, say it."

You sit up to look at him, tilting your head. He wants to make you work for it. Fine. But two can play at that game.

Pulling your sweatshirt off, you make sure to pull your tank up ever so slightly to expose the swell of your breast. Tossing the garment across the room, you smirk as Spencer's eyes gravitate toward your chest, nipples poking through the gray tank.

"If you're cold, you should keep the sweatshirt on," he says, lips twitching upward into a smile.

"I'm not cold," you shrug, trying to remain levelheaded despite the wave of heat crashing over your entire body. This is a game to him, you realize. A game that you'll eventually lose, but you've never been known to give up without a fight.

"Could've fooled me," is all he says as he bounds over toward you, kneeling at the foot of the bed. Your body goes onto auto-pilot, spreading your legs far enough for him to settle between them, his forearms resting on your thighs as your faces are again inches apart.

He looks up at you with a smile that feigns innocence, but the hungry look in his eyes says otherwise.

"Spence," you breathe out, it's barely a whisper as his fingers toy with the hem of your tank top. He moves so his lips are ghosting over your jaw, finally making feather light contact with your sun kissed skin. "You have to give me more"

"It's adorable that you think you're in charge here," is all he says, placing an open mouthed kiss on your neck, peppering more across your throat. As you bring a hand up to place in his hair, he grabs your wrist and pushes it down by your side, tongue dragging along the spot right under your ear. "I don't have to give you anything, Y/N"

"Please," you whimper desperately. It was almost scary to you how quickly you dropped your guard, becoming completely entranced by his domineering figure and low voice. He could ask you to do anything, and in this moment, you would.

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