Chapter 14

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hiiiiii this is kinda short but its a transition chapter!!! enjoy and plz keep commenting/voting i absolutely love reading all the comments! you guys are the best for supporting my writing xo

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hiiiiii this is kinda short but its a transition chapter!!! enjoy and plz keep commenting/voting i absolutely love reading all the comments! you guys are the best for supporting my writing xo

warnings: a lil smut, some angst. ** = gif placement as per usual


"Sleepy girl," Spencer's melodic voice rings in your ear, his arm draping over your waist. You grumble in return, leaning into his touch, your tired sounds going up an octave at the feeling of his hardness pushing against your stinging butt. He chuckles, breath hot on the back of your neck. "I can't tell if that's a needy whine or a pain whine."

"It stings," you reply, though still rutting up against his bulge. "But it's okay. Kinda like it."

"And that's not even the worst I can do," Spencer says lowly. You turn around to face him, a curious smile on your face before kissing him sweetly. In your past relationships, mornings consisted of waking up and immediately running to the bathroom to brush your teeth, moisturize, and put on natural looking make-up. With Spencer, you didn't feel the need. He loves you in your rawest form, true and unconditional.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kiss him again, submitting instantly when he moves his mouth on yours. He didn't need to have you tied up or pinned down or laid across his lap to signal that he's the one in control. He didn't even need to say anything. You're his - no question about it.

"It's our last full day here," you murmur against his jaw, hand snaking down into his boxers. You thumb along his slit, smirking at the obvious pre-cum. "Feels like somebody had a good dream."

"Don't be a tease," he warns lowly. You continue placing kisses down his chiseled jawline, not bothered in the slightest by his scratchy vacation beard. Moving to his neck, you suck on a spot that omits a groan, wrapping your hand around his shaft and pumping a few times. He's lost in your touch, melting into you the same way you do for him every time. "Please, Y/N"

"I'm sorry? What's this?" you raise an eyebrow, a shit-eating grin on your face at the sound of Spencer showing even the slightest ounce of neediness. After weeks of complete control, you had him in the palm of your hand. Literally and figuratively. "Is Spencer Reid begging for ME to touch him? Oh how the tables have turned!"

He rolls his eyes, gripping your jaw harshly.

"I thought it might be nice to take it slow this morning," he says, his other hand snapping down to grip your wrist, stopping the slow pumping. "But if you're going to be a cocky little slut about it, I have no problem fucking your throat."

The words evoke a literal whine from you, making Spencer chuckle arrogantly. He says nothing, but you know exactly what he's thinking: that's what I thought.

"I'll be good," you promise, allowing him to push his mouth on yours. You return to pumping his cock, leaning away from his kiss and pushing him gently onto his back. Licking a teasing stripe along his bare collarbone, you descend down his torso, peppering each word that falls from your lips with a kiss. ""

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