Chapter 5

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The feeling of your mattress shifting jolts you out of a dead sleep, the sheet wrinkle indentation on your forearm serving as a medal of sorts for your blissful nap. Emily Prentiss sits on the edge of the bed with a grin, shaking your legs when you grumble and roll back over. 

"You've been napping for 3 hours," she laughs at your protests. You can't tell her she's wrong, but the truth is your nap was only 30 minutes - with the rest of that unaccounted for time spent thinking and fantasizing about Spencer. "You'll be up all night at this rate!" 

"I don't think that'll be a problem," you laugh, not even sure of what you're saying. She raises an eyebrow as if to ask for an elaboration, throwing her hands up in defeat when you cover it up with some bullshit about being fully exhausted. 

As if on cue, the lanky genius who had turned you into a writhing mess just hours ago walks in. Spencer gives you a small smile, coming to join the two of you, flopping down with his head inches from yours. 

It's nothing, you think. This is what friends do. There have been countless times where you've laid down with friends, talking for hours about anything and everything. 

But the way his hair is mussed up and his eyes are still foggy from his nap makes you want to roll over and kiss him softly. His cozy sweatshirt makes you want to curl up on his chest, memorizing every inch of his face with your fingertips. 

No. He's a friend. A friend who apparently sometimes shoves his tongue down your throat and whispers filthy, filthy things that nearly make you cum on the spot. 

Yeah, that kind of friend. 

"I need to go make sure JJ and Hotch are up," Emily announces, pulling you out of your trance. "They're gonna be able to video chat with Will and the boys in a little bit. So I'm guessing we'll do dinner around 7:30" 

"Sounds good," Spencer smiles, not moving as the raven haired agent walks out of the room. He says nothing, only rolling over to face you after you both hear the clicking of the door. Licking his lips, Reid cups your chin with one hand, eyes boring into yours. "Hi there." 

"Spence," you sigh. The control freak within you wanted to talk about everything, hash out a plan and definitively state what the two of you are now. But everything in you realizes that it's not the time for certainty. You just have to relax and let him take the reins. 

He kisses you briefly, much more tender than before. You pull back, reaching up to grab the wrist he's using to hold your jaw, stroking your thumb against the skin. Neither of you say anything for a moment. 

"Was I too much earlier?" he finally asks, the Spencer you know all-too-well coming through in his anxious tone. You shake your head, leaning closer and meeting his eyes. "Okay, good. I - uh, I just don't know what came over me. I've always found you to be attractive and Derek has been teasing me about the fact we should hook up and I just-" 

You kiss him to end his rambling, all too familiar with the habit of overthinking. He chuckles against your mouth, pulling back with a smirk. 

"Well that was cute and all," he says, voice lowering again in a way that sends chills up your spine. "But don't think for a second that you're in charge here, Y/N." 

"Good," you practically whimper, the new but welcomed feeling of complete and total submission rising within you. "I want you to call the shots, Spence. I'm all yours while we're here." 

Even your tone of voice is unfamiliar to you, the soft yet whiny yet sweet dialect falling off your tongue like it's your first language, begging for Spencer to do things you wouldn't have thought him capable of just last week. 

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