Chapter 16

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hi this is a lot of smut!!!! and a little plot but it's setting up for more i promise. i also am working on character development so hopefully it's good!!!

 comments and votes are appreciated as always! :) 

ps it's rough smut so just beware ;) 


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"Go get naked and lay on the bed," Spencer orders the moment you walk in the door. You nod quickly, looking around before realizing you had never actually been in Spencer's bedroom before. He points you in the right direction, walking around his living room and meticulously checking each of his plants. "I'll be in soon." 

"I hope you had somebody water those," you call out, stripping down and running to the bathroom to freshen up quickly. You nearly jump when you return to the bedroom and see Spencer standing in the doorway, eyebrows raised. "Shit, Spence you scared me." 

"Flat on your back," is all he says in return, gesturing toward his neatly made bed. Leave it to Spencer Reid to ensure his bed is perfect, even when he has to leave in a rush. Thank god he's not at your apartment, where the duvet is surely in a ball on the floor, along with your clothes that couldn't fit in the suitcase. 

You crawl onto his bed, resting your head on the pillow and watching him expectantly as he rifles through a drawer that you can't quite see the contents of. Eventually, he turns back around with two red ropes in hand, a sly grin on his face. 

"I'm sure you recall that you're still in a bit of trouble for that bratty stunt you pulled with the vibrator," he muses, stepping forward slowly. His eyes are raking over your body hungrily, and you know his mind will be able to replay the image in front of him whenever he wants. "Well guess what, sweet girl? We're back in DC. And you know what that means."

"Are you gonna punish me?" you draw your bottom lip between your teeth, eyelashes fluttering. Spencer nods, approaching the head of the bed and gingerly taking one of your wrists. 

"Is that what you want?**" he asks you, pausing for a second to place your hand in his, eyes locking into yours. You nod, pouting when he cocks his head to the side, needing to hear you say the words. You've noticed that the gentle, respectful, kind side of Spencer made sure you were okay before turning to his dominant side. Another reason you loved him so. 

"Yes," you practically whisper. He tugs on your wrist a bit tighter, wrapping one of the ropes around the joint but not pulling quite yet. "I need to be taught a lesson, Spence." 

"Have you ever been tied up before?" he asks softly, gauging your reaction. You shake your head, stomach flipping at his arrogant reaction. "Good. Now you know that you can always use your safe word if it's too much, okay?" 

"I know," you nod as he ties one wrist to the headboard. The crimson rope isn't as scratchy as you would've expected, and while the knot he secured is tight enough to restrain you, it's not painful. Spencer repeats the action on the other side before placing an affectionate kiss on your lips, touching your cheek softly. You look up at him, tongue swiping along your bottom lip. "Be rough with me, Spencer. I can take it." 

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