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AUTHOR'S NOTE: chapter one of my next story is up! go check it out :)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: chapter one of my next story is up! go check it out :)

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"Fuck," you breathe into the crook of his neck, mouth latching onto the skin to keep you from releasing the desperate whine caught in your throat. The rumbling of the washing machine spin cycle underneath you does little to cover up your sounds of pleasure, but damn does it feel good combined with Spencer's merciless thrusts. "Please, Spence." 

"Please what?" he asks cockily, tugging your head up and giving you the shit-eating grin you love so much. He's teasing you, purposely slowing his movements each time you clench around him. 

"Need to-fuck-need to cum," you babble, eyes lighting up when he brings his hand up to clench your jaw, pushing his thumb between your lips. You suck on it happily, eyes fluttering closed as he pulls you closer to him, cursing under his breath. "I'm so close, please." 

"Only because you're such a good girl for me," he nods, moving his hand from your mouth down to your clit, rubbing in fast circles and bucking his hips harshly. You lurch forward against him, nearly falling off the washing machine, desperately trying to keep quiet as you come undone. He finishes soon after you, pulling out and wiping the mess with a tee shirt from the nearby dirty clothes pile. "Is that what you needed, sweet girl?" 

You nod, humming happily as he helps you jump down, pulling you into a hug and placing a sweet kiss on your lips. Both of you stay like that for a moment, savoring the rare alone time, until as if on cue, the sound of tiny footsteps padding toward you causes you to step back and adjust yourselves. 

"Mommy mommy mommy mommy," the voice grows closer, more urgent with each call until you see your two-year old standing in the doorway, blanket in hand. "Oh hi daddy!" 

"Hi love bug," he smiles excitedly** as she runs toward him, scooping the toddler up in his arms and swinging her around, the melodious sound of joyous squeals filling the air. "How was your day?" 

"Ezra bit me," she pouts, causing you to giggle and shake your head. 

"Well he's only a baby," you toss in a load of laundry, giving your husband a knowing look. You had already texted him about the meltdown that happened while he was at work. Ever the tiny drama queen, your exhausted child had not reacted well to her nearly 6-month old brother using her finger as a teething toy. "He doesn't even have any teeth, Millie!" 

"I'll tell you what," Spencer kisses her forehead, using one hand to tickle her side. "Let's go dig into the Halloween candy stash that mommy hid in the kitchen. How's that sound?" 

"Yes pwease!" she yells, and you shoot your husband a look as the two run out of the laundry room. 

"Just a piece or two!" you call out after them, a smile on your face. Humming to yourself, you smile at the sound of mischievous laughter coming from the kitchen as Spencer negotiates with your toddler, clearly losing the battle. Finishing folding the baby's Halloween costume for the evening, you make your way to the kitchen, immediately furrowing your brows at the several wrappers strewn across the countertop. "Spence! I said not too much candy!" 

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