Chapter 27

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warnings: mentions of a case and indirect talk about abortion

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warnings: mentions of a case and indirect talk about abortion

PSA SORRY THERES NO SMUT THIS CHAPTER next one is hella smutty though so be prepared!!! ;) hoping to update again tomorrow or friday. ALSO ALSO ALSO follow me on tumblr pls :D


The next week at work without Spencer felt as though it dragged on forever. You found yourself exhausted and irritable, spending the two days you were out of town on a case wishing desperately you could be nestled in his arms. 

The team had even noticed your shift in mood, using different tactics to try and get to the bottom of why you were so off. Morgan's prying just so happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back, making him the unlucky one who was snapped at on the plane ride home. 

"Well damn," he threw his hands up in mock surrender, leaning his head back against the tan leather seat. JJ and Emily watched curiously, exchanging glances, as you stared at Derek with a clenched jaw. "I'm just trying to make conversation!"

"Sorry," you shake your head, looking out the window. "I'm just tired." 

It wasn't a lie, technically. You had just left out the WHOLE truth. The truth that you miss your boyfriend who was always a secret but then broke your heart but then won you back and made sweet love to you before asking you to move in but has to remain a secret so you don't get transferred is a little too complicated. 

So when his return day rolled around, you could hardly contain your excitement to see his lanky figure appear from behind the titanium elevator doors. Despite spending the last 3 days you had off at his apartment, spending the evenings with your bodies intertwined, seeing him back in the BAU bullpen made you feel at ease. 

You played it cool, sipping your coffee as he makes the rounds of hugging everyone, a big smile on his face. When Spencer gets to you, he lingers just a second longer than with the others, the knowing smile on his face immediately making you feel whole again. 

"Hate to interrupt this beautiful reunion, but we've got a case," Penelope announces regretfully, her heels clicking as she heads up to the conference room. "And it's in Michigan."

"Welcome back," you smile at Spencer, who lingers behind as you pretend to search for a notebook. The others pay no mind as they head to the large table, but you can't help but chuckle at the faint knowing smile Luke flashes you from the top of the balcony. 

"You look like you aren't feeling good," your boyfriend notes with concerned eyes, protectively standing behind you as the two of you walk up the stairs. You furrow your brows, waiting for him to elaborate. "Just, tired. Have you been sleeping alright?" 

"You know that I didn't sleep much last night," you giggle, face neutralizing as you walk into the conference room. Garcia stands at the front of the room, iPad in hand as she begins presenting the case. Images of young women, no older than you, mutilated and decapitated in bloody, violent ways flash across the big screen. You shudder, the sudden urge to throw up coming over you, a fact you try to ignore by taking deep breaths and focusing on Garcia's words. 

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