Chapter 13

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hiya this is long hehehe enjoy!!!! Also follow my tumblr mjwritesfics

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hiya this is long hehehe enjoy!!!! Also follow my tumblr !!!!! Requests are open on there :)

same drill as always lol ** = gif ;)

warnings: alcohol & smut


"Wheels up in 48 hours," Hotch finishes his toast, grinning like a cheshire cat. You all raise your glasses with a smile, the sound of clinking echoing throughout the pool yard. "Despite, less than ideal circumstances, this wasn't all that bad."

"We still haven't gotten you wasted," Emily yells, using her hands to amplify the playful taunt. The team nods and cheers in agreement, laughing as Aaron takes a seat, hesitantly eyeing the heavily poured scotch Rossi had supplied. "Drink up, boss!"

"Reid too!" JJ adds, and you turn to Spencer with a grin. He laughs in response, leaning against your shoulder.

After a tense shootout, Arlo Green was finally captured a few days back. The bureau needed to ensure none of his associates were still active, but after thorough investigation it seems the coast is clear to return home. Excitement and relief have been the two emotions shared throughout the group, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't eager to return to your normal routine. The one thing that changes is Spencer.

You've seen plenty of rom-coms and read your fair share of books. Hidden relationships fairly turn out well. Sure, things won't go Romeo and Juliet levels of catastrophe - but losing Spencer would sure feel like a death sentence.

But it's what needs to be done, you tell yourself over and over again. The bureau's strict no fraternization policy could lead to one of you being transferred, the fear being a relationship could impact your work. It never would, or so you like to think, but it's better to stick with kissing in closets and midnight meet-ups if it means you can stay with the BAU. With Spencer.

So when Hotch asked the other night about the status of you two, the answer was simple. It's casual. It means nothing. It ends when we leave the island.

Even just saying the words, untrue as they are, hurts.

"Come on Spence," you snap out of your thoughts, poking him in the ribcage playfully. He looks undeniably attractive, the unshaven face and messy hair combo only made better by his button down shirt, revealing his prominent collarbones**. Ugh, you want to kiss him so bad, but fleeting touches and flirty looks will have to be enough until you get him alone. The two of you had fallen into a pattern of minimal touchiness in front of the team, trying hard to convince everyone that it's all above board. "I've never seen you drunk! It'll be fun!"

"I don't need to drink to have fun," he shakes his head with a chuckle. "Besides, watching Emily dance on the table and Penelope trip on her own feet is entertaining enough."

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