Chapter 6

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hi sorry this took a few days its pretty long and kinda angsty sorry no smut this time folks 

Author's Note: I'm now on tumblr!!!!!!


 Dinner was normal. To your surprise, Derek had managed to keep his mouth shut and thanks to a little concealer, all evidence of your frantic hook-up was hidden. To be quite honest, as you all laughed while Garcia shared a story about being chased by wild turkeys, even you forgot about the uncharted waters you and Spencer found yourselves in. 

He was fully aware, though. A message he conveyed through subtle smirks and under the table thigh touches, his eyes locked on your lips as they wrapped around the beer bottle you were drinking. 

As the drinks keep flowing and the laughter continues, JJ turns to you curiously. As you face the blonde, you see Emily refilling your margarita glass for the 3rd time this evening. 

"Hey wait, Y/N, you never finished telling us about that guy you've been seeing" she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. "Where did we leave off with that?" 

"Oh I dunno I feel like we can save that for girls night," you try to change the subject, not only trying to avoid Spencer hearing this, but also your boss. Although with 3 glasses of red wine in his system, Aaron seems to also be waiting with bated breath. 

"Well now I'm curious," Hotch laughs, clearly assuming he's the reason you're blushing and avoiding the questions. "Is this the same one who answered the phone that time I called at like 6 am?" 

"That would be him!" Garcia nearly squeals. You shift in your seat and hold back a laugh remembering how that morning you had rushed straight into Penelope's office to share your embarrassment. "Ugh wait he was so hunky and nice, what happened there?" 

"You met him?" Rossi asks, the entire table now invested in your love life. You avoid eye-contact with Spencer and nod awkwardly, face hot from the combination of alcohol and embarrassment. 

"Sounds serious," Spencer finally speaks, the inflection in his voice suggesting he's only faking interest. Is he jealous? You smirk to yourself at the realization and decide to see how far you can push him. Hopefully enough for him to pin you against the wall and fuck your brains out. 

"It was a hilarious situation actually," Emily chimes in, "Garcia and I went to her apartment on her birthday to make breakfast-"

"You BROKE IN to my apartment!" you correct her with a laugh, shaking your head as she shushes you. At this point your filter is completely gone, seeing the table in front of you as friends rather than colleagues. Which was the truth. 

"Anyway, we open the door and sneak into the kitchen and see this guy rummaging through her fridge," you can tell she's trying not to burst out laughing, but Penelope beats her to the punch. 

"COMPLETELY NAKED!" she practically screams, and you all laugh at her expression. 

"I will say this," Emily grins devilishly, pointing to you. "He had the nicest....ahem, sorry guys....package I've ever seen," she finishes her sentence to a roar of laughter from the table. 

"And from the way you hobbled into the kitchen, I'd say he knows how to use it!" Garcia adds with a cackle. "The best part was the trail of clothes leading from the front door to your bedroom. Bravo, my dear"

Morgan whistles and you see Spencer shift out of the corner of your eye, intensely focused on the conversation. His hand moves to your inner thigh for a moment, squeezing possessively before retreating. It's on, you think as you feel the familiar pang of arousal.

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