Chapter 28

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[PS idk how to make this gif repeating sorry but u get the idea]

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[PS idk how to make this gif repeating sorry but u get the idea]

also here is how i picture the baby spice costume to look!!! ALSO i didn't know what to have Spencer be so use your imagination on that one lmao 

also here is how i picture the baby spice costume to look!!! ALSO i didn't know what to have Spencer be so use your imagination on that one lmao 

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PPS i know exactly where this story is going. there will be 2 more chapters and then an epilogue. BUT IVE READ THE COMMENTS AND I PROMISE I WONT DISAPPOINT YALL<3333 just bear with me for the next two chapters bc this is kinda another cliffhanger. ily all xoxox


You wake up the next morning equally as sick to your stomach, but luckily manage to keep the contents of your breakfast down successfully. By mid-afternoon, your nausea is fully gone, a relief and spring in your step as you scurry around Spencer's kitchen, roaring laughter as he chases you with a spoon covered in frosting. 

"Stop it!" you shriek with laughter when he finally gets you, gripping you from behind and plopping the rich dessert onto your nose, all with a shit-eating grin on his face. The two of you are deliriously happy, attempting to bake a Halloween dessert for Rossi's party, but as you taste the sugary cream on your lips, you know you're clearly failing. "Spence, this frosting sucks ass!" 

"I followed the recipe exactly!" he defends, stepping forward as you wipe the glob of frosting off of your nose and bring your finger to his lips. He sucks on the digit with eagerness, a puzzled look on his face. "It tastes fine!" 

"It's too sweet," you scrunch your nose, the all too familiar churning of your stomach causing you to reach for a glass of water, sipping delicately. Your drastic shift in demeanor is noticeable, and Spencer looks at you curiously. "I think I need a nap before tonight." 

"Go lay down," his words are hesitant, laced with skepticism and concern. He places a kiss on your forehead, patting your arm softly. "I'm gonna clean up here and join you in a few minutes, alright?" 

You nod, heading toward the bedroom and sitting on the edge of Spencer's bed, frantically google searching on your phone about everything from IUD failures to nearby Planned Parenthoods to prenatal vitamins. You consider grabbing one of the tests from your bag, that you had grabbed from the car last night in the midst of a 3 am panic attack, but continue googling aimlessly. You're so lost in your research that you hardly hear him sneak into the bed, looking at you concernedly as you place your phone down and gaze into space**. 

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