Chapter 26

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warnings: smut!

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warnings: smut!

this is a short chapter i'm sorrryyyyyyyy but i owe you guys an update so here it is :) 


He stayed the night, of course. The two of you spent 12 hours entangled in each other's arms, speaking about your future in hushed tones despite being the only two in the apartment. And quite frankly, it felt like you were the only two in the world. 

You fell asleep that night with Spencer's head on your chest, your fingers raking through his tousled locks of hair while the other hand clung loosely to his. You shared defining childhood moments and stories of past heartbreaks and future desires and philosophical theories. You laughed and cried and debated and opened up, each of you always touching in some way as if to make sure the other person is really there. 

Neither of you rushed into sex. Sure, your shared toe-curling and head-spinning connection was what spurred your initial relationship - but it just didn't seem like the most important thing as you sat on your broken-in couch, illuminated by the soft glow of the Netflix title screen. 

And it wasn't that you didn't want it. Oh, did you want it. You craved the feeling of him pushing into you once again, playing your body like it's a complex instrument that he's dedicated his life to mastering. But you both were more than content sitting in the comfortable silence with each other, baring your souls in ways you wouldn't have dreamed of before falling for Spencer. And you had learned a lot about him, too, stepping back from the carnal desire that drove your relationship for so long. 

The things you talked about didn't scare you. Instead of getting physically nauseous at the first hint that he wants kids someday, you leaned in whispered "as long as I don't have to drive a soccer mom van". 

He doesn't necessarily want a wedding, just something small at the courthouse followed by an intimate party of close family and friends. But he's also fine with forgoing the official title of husband and wife altogether, all he wants is you, forever - however you'll take him. 

He wants two kids, maybe three. His reasoning is that being an only child gets lonely, but more than three takes away from getting to know them on a deeper level. 

You like that explanation. You like his heart. 

He already called dibs on helping the kids with homework, a hopeful smile on his face when he talks about the things he wants to pass onto his children, one of the skills being the ability to make a kick-ass baking soda volcano. He doesn't want to spend forever in an apartment, noting that whether or not you want kids, a lawn with a white picket fence has always had a certain appeal to him. 

You guess that doesn't sound too bad. 

Spencer even said he'd become a stay at home dad if that's what you wanted. He excitedly talked about how he could consult on cases from home and lecture on occasion and even learn to cook meals that aren't microwavable frozen dinners. 

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