Chapter 11

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hiiiii sorry no smut lol next chapter i promise!

 this chapter is def more focused on inner turmoil/setting up for character development lol i hope you like it because i rly enjoy writing imperfect characters! comment and vote as always if you like this! 

** = where i pictured the gif fitting in lol just to add a visual! 


"You can't stay in there forever, Y/N," Spencer's voice echoes through the door, partially muffled by the running water

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"You can't stay in there forever, Y/N," Spencer's voice echoes through the door, partially muffled by the running water. Upon reading the note from Hotch, you had decided that the mature, rational response was to take a 30-minute shower so you didn't have to face the team, undoubtedly smug about their recent discovery. 

"Honestly I'd rather use up this entire island's water supply than go out there," you call back, running your fingers through your hair for the thousandth time. From the other side of the door, you can hear Spencer chuckle, turning the knob and poking his head in. He's already dressed for the day, and your arms fly to cover your naked figure instinctively, an amused smirk playing at his lips. 

"I've seen every inch of you, remember? Or did you already forget?" he teases, wiping fog off the mirror and adjusting his hair, the rapidly growing ashy locks carelessly falling from his scalp. You playfully flip him off, a grin on your face as he leans against the counter and faces you with his arms crossed. "Come on, you're a few minutes away from turning into a raisin. Let's go." 

With a theatrical groan, you turn off the faucet, grinning appreciatively as Spencer holds open a towel for you. He wraps you up, hugging you from behind with a sloppy kiss on your cheek, hands shifting the terrycloth fabric to dry your arms off. 

"Maybe they didn't even hear," you muse unrealistically as you walk into the bedroom, hoping if you say the words they'll become true. "Maybe he just meant when we're done watching a movie. Ooh we can say that! We were watching a movie and it had a long, spicy sex scene! They'll never know!"

"Yeah because we can definitely pull one over on trained FBI profilers," Spencer snorts and watches you amusedly as you crouch down and rifle through your suitcase, settling on a pair of denim shorts and a cropped graphic tee. "It's fine, we're stuck here for a while anyways. It's not like we have to play by the professional rules right now." 

"I guess," you grumble, running the towel over your damp hair, scrunching it to get a beachy wave. Once all dressed, you kick on your flip flops and follow him toward the door, suddenly grabbing his wrist and looking up at him. "Wait. Spence, what if they ask what we are?" 

"What do you mean?" he brings your hand to his face, gently kissing your wrist. "It's just two people having some fun. That's all they need to know." 

"But we love each other," you say, brows starting to furrow. There's a genuine sadness in your tone - the realization that Spencer may not be emotionally capable of commitment was starting to sink in. Not that you're much better, your track record of cutting-and-running at the first sign of seriousness demonstrates that, but with the tall genius standing in front of you - things are different. "Right?" 

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