Chapter 19

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warnings: violence, trauma, mentions of a case

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warnings: violence, trauma, mentions of a case

[bold and italics is from third person POV aka a room that y/n isn't in]


"And you're sure you're alright with this?" Rossi asks protectively as you readjust your earpiece, brushing your hair over to cover the tiny piece of technology. You nod, smiling faintly when he pats your shoulder. "We'll be set up across the hall. We're gonna listen in the whole time, and IT put cameras all over the room while you were in the meeting. You're covered." 

"I know," you say, more to reassure yourself than him. Adjusting the hem of your uncomfortably short skirt, your eyes light up as Spencer pops his head into the surveillance truck. Rossi exits to go finalize that back-up is ready, leaving you two in the dimly lit room. "I'm more nervous than I thought I'd be." 

"You'll do fine," Spencer reassures you, leaning against the counter, eyeing you up and down with a smirk. Neither of you say anything else as you finish fluffing your hair up, his eyes intently watching you as you apply lipgloss. "I'm not worried." 

You know he's lying through his teeth, trying to boost your confidence before going into the belly of the beast. Just as you finish mouthing the words 'i love you', Hotch walks into the room, a small ring in his hand. 

"Oh my goodness, is that for me?" you tease, an uncomfortable chuckle leaving his lips as he nods and hands you the jewelry. It's a silver band with intricate designs, fastened with a ruby heart in the middle. "What's the occasion?" 

"This is your emergency extraction button," he explains. Sounds scary. "We'll have cameras and the audio from the bugs, but this is just an additional safety measure. Press down on the heart for 3 seconds and we'll bust in." 

You nod appreciatively and put the ring on your finger, admiring how it shines. It's actually gorgeous, you think to yourself. Hotch steps out of the room, leaving you and Spencer once again. You motion for him to walk toward you, covered by the wall in case anyone walks in unannounced, and place a soft kiss on his lips. 

"I'll see you in a little bit," he intertwines his fingers in yours and whispers in the darkness, though his eyes are unsure. You nod, kissing him again before stepping back, gently letting go of his hand. "Go get him, tiger." 

"Never call me that again," you laugh, shaking your head. His smile makes you feel warm inside as you head toward the door. 

"Right, you probably prefer kitten," he jokes. The fact he isn't in full panic mode is a good sign, yesterday's realization that he was triggered by the idea of losing you making you feel helpless and heartbroken. So to see a smile, even if it's forced, gives you an inkling of peace. "I love you." 


The unsub opens the door almost immediately, a grimy smirk on his face as he scans your body up and down. Like a typical narcissistic psychopath, he's charming - you'd maybe even find him handsome if you saw him across a crowded room with dim lighting. But there's a tangible evil inside of him that you picked up on instantly. Fighting the urge to scowl, you bat your eyelashes, giggling when he lets you into the room. 

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