Chapter 20

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warnings: mentions of trauma, smut

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warnings: mentions of trauma, smut. like smutty smut. and it's heavy on the degradation/dirty talk and dom/sub stuff so if that's not your thing just skip the smut part!

also thank you as always for the lovely (and hilarious) comments! they def keep me motivated to write this story so thank you thank you thank you. i really am so happy you all enjoy it thus far! xo mj


The ride back to the hotel is quiet, JJ's eyes darting between the road and your shaky hands. You aren't even sure of what to say, or if the words would come out without crying. Finally, she pulls into the parking spot and hops out of the car, lingering behind to match your slow pace.

"If you need to talk, I'm here," she says sweetly as you get in the elevator. You can only nod. "I know what you're going through, you know."

Does she mean almost being murdered? Or loving Spencer Reid so deeply it makes your entire body ache? It better fucking be the first one.

"I'm okay," you lie, exiting the elevator and heading toward your room. She follows you in, sitting on the bed as you rifle through your suitcase in search of comfortable clothes. "Really just want to shower and then go to sleep."

"Alright," she nods. "I'll sit out here while you shower, okay? I just want to make sure you're okay."

You appreciate the gesture, knowing that she genuinely cares about your wellbeing and wants to help how she can. But on top of the trauma of being literally choked out by an unsub, you can't stop thinking about why Hotch was so stern with Spencer.

The hot water of the shower runs over your body, washing away the events of the day. It isn't until you rinse the conditioner out of your hair, watching an unusually large amount of hair strands swirl down the drain that you break down into a sob. The tears don't stop as you lean against the cool tile, longing to be held by Spencer, a sharp contrast to just months ago when the thought of anyone seeing you in this state would have made you sick.

Turning the water off, you try to calm yourself down, slipping on a pair of gym shorts and an oversized tee for bed. Unable to even look in the mirror, you do the bare minimum needed to get ready for bed. After throwing your hair up in a towel, you emerge from the steaming bathroom to see JJ looking up at you expectantly, eyes sympathetic.

"Can I do anything to help you?" she asks, her maternal instincts taking over. You shake your head appreciatively, crawling under the covers and reaching for your phone. No new text messages.

"I'll be okay," you say, the two of you knowing it's a lie. JJ nods, standing and grabbing something off of your desk. "Thank you, JJ. I appreciate it, I'm just exhausted and shaken up."

"I know," she responds kindly. She leaves the bathroom light on, illuminating the otherwise dark room to a point where it isn't unnerving. Inhaling sharply, she turns once more before exiting, holding up your room key. "I'm gonna go drop this off in Spencer's room. He should be back there soon. Okay?"

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