Chapter 30

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author's note: Hello my beautiful readers, MJ here

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author's note: Hello my beautiful readers, MJ here. Just wanted to thank you all again for the insane support and love you've shown this book. It makes me so happy that my work has reached so many people and that you all get as much joy reading this as I do writing it. I read every single comment and just know they all warm my heart. I really could have probably written this story forever, but as a writer I don't want to keep going to the point where it's beating a dead horse. I'm proud of this story and don't want the content to get worse as I try to keep squeezing plot lines out of it. With that being said, I'm considering a sequel to this story in the near future - depending on the general response. I also have another story coming soon that I'm very excited about. Ahhhh thank you all again so much and enjoy the end of Spencer and Y/N's story...for now ;)

SO WITHOUT FURTHER is the final (full) chapter of Powerless! :D xo mj 

P.S. This chapter is going to be formatted a little bit differently. Chapter 29 left off just after Halloween - and there will be a few time jumps in this chapter so just keep your eyes peeled! 

Warnings: v nasty smut. like gun play/degradation/impact play/nasty shit [had to get in one last good sex scene and boy oh boy is it raunchy!!!!] 



The snow falling outside onto the picturesque street below has had your attention for nearly 5 whole minutes now. Sitting in the cozy chair nestled underneath Spencer's-or, as of two weeks ago, your bedroom - you carefully study each snowflake, sipping on your coffee. 

Glancing over at the bed, you smile to yourself at the sight of Spencer stirring awake, giggling quietly when he lets out a tired grumble when he reaches his arms out and you're no longer next to him. Standing up and placing your mug on the dresser he bought just for your clothes, you crawl underneath the covers and place a kiss on his nose. 

"There you are," he smiles, eyes still closed. You hum, settling into the safe haven of his arms, peppering kisses along his jawline. "Merry Christmas, sweet girl."

"Merry Christmas," you whisper back. He squeezes you tighter, and neither of you need to say the things you're feeling. It's no secret. 

Nearly 2 months after your miscarriage, things are slowly starting to feel normal again. You've been back at work for a while, both you and Spencer trying to focus on career and your relationship to keep your minds from wandering about the what-ifs. But today you can't help but think about what the first Christmas with your child would be like. Sure, it wouldn't have happened this year anyway, but the thought is still there. 

You can just picture meticulously wrapping gifts with Spencer, the two of you giggling and drinking egg nog, trying to stay quiet even though the infant sleeping soundly in their crib has no concept of Christmas, Santa, or gifts. You think about as the child grew older, waking you two up at the crack of dawn, jumping with excitement to open the presents left under the tree by Santa. You picture Spencer filming, curiously asking what's in the box that he masterfully wrapped just hours before, a genuine laugh coming from deep within him** at the magical wonderment radiating off of your child at the realization that Santa DID bring the toy they had been asking for all year. 

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