Chapter 18

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warnings: a lil angst, mentions of death and trauma

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warnings: a lil angst, mentions of death and trauma


Not even 10 minutes after you settle into your plush hotel bed, a loud knock on the door startles you from your descent to sleep. Annoyedly grumbling from your comfortable spot in bed, you get up and peer through the peephole. Of course. 

"If you're here to tell me not to go undercover tomorrow save your breath," you open the door, frowning to match the irritated look on Spencer's face. He walks past you, sitting on the edge of the bed with a sigh. "I already told Hotch I would." 

"Oh I know," he shrugs. "He just asked me to go too, and I told him to send someone else instead."

You narrow your eyes at him, arms crossed across your chest. He couldn't be serious right now. He's worried something will happen to you, so instead of going in as your back up he just walks away? That's not like Spencer.

"Cool," your voice is laced with venom. "Is that the only reason you came here? To tell me that I'm on my own tomorrow? I got it, thanks for the back up. I wasn't nervous enough as is, so repeatedly telling me I can't handle this assignment and then sending me in alone is super helpful."

"Don't be like that," he rolls his eyes, jaw clenched. "I'm allowed to be concerned about my girlfriend."

You huff, walking toward him and leaning against the desk. Only one day back at work and your relationship is already impacting things. That's not a good sign.

"I thought we both agreed when we're at work I'm simply a teammate," you remind him, trying to keep your voice level and avoid screaming all the things you feel. Anger that he's doubting you, sadness that he's not going in there with you, worry that you'll have to transfer, frustration at the whole situation. But you push those feelings down, speaking matter-of-factly as he looks you up and down. "You need to trust that I'm capable, and will be able to determine when things start going south." 

"I do trust your instincts. You're an incredible agent. But I can't go in there with you," he rests his elbows on his knees, leaning forward with a frustrated sigh. "And I'm done talking about this."

"Spence," you argue anyway, trying to get to the bottom of everything. "Why not? It doesn't-"

"I'm not watching you die, Y/N!" he cuts you off, voice raised and hand running through his hair exasperatedly. You say nothing for a moment, the look on his face making you want to drop to your knees and hug him until he smiles again.

But you're also pissed off. And right now that's the winning emotion. 

"I'm not gonna get shot in the fucking meeting!" you respond with your arms thrown up. He doesn't even look up at you, shaking his head. "That's not the motive. We know how this guy operates, he picks victims up at meetings and has consensual sex with them before killing them. It's a concrete pattern, we just need to get solid evidence to put him away."

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