Chapter 1

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You stared out of the window in your new bedroom. You had just moved from (Y/C) and although your knowledge of Japanese was limited, you still knew enough to carry out basic conversation. You were half Japanese and half (Y/C) but you were dragged along to Japan by your father after you mother had died. The whole experience was a bit overwhelming for a five-year-old however, adapting would be easy enough.

While you were staring out the window you noticed something that quickly grabbed your attention. There were four boys in the street. However, one was trying to hold back the tears that cascaded down his freckled cheeks as the other three loomed over him, sneering. You noticed the fresh scrapes and grazes on the boy's knees and elbows and you quickly clocked the situation.

You pondered about what to do, you understood that the bullying was wrong and wanted to stop it but your little five-year-old brain told you that these boys were probably stronger than you and wouldn't understand you anyways because of your poor Japanese. And so, you decided to wait until the boys left until you would emerge from your new household to offer medical care to the boy on the street. You hated that you couldn't stop the bullies and your cowardice but as you were above average intelligence the logic that you used had left you with the most sensible solution.

You waited at the door, peeking out the tiny window at the top, for the boys to leave and when they finally did, you sprang into action and sprinted out the door towards the poor boy lying in the middle of the street. As you approached you noticed him trembling as he sobbed, trying to wipe away the salty tears. Mustering all the courage you had you stood in front of him and held out your hand and summoned the little Japanese that you had.

"Umm, excuse me, do you need some help?"

The boy looked up at you, shocked, and his eyes widened when he saw your outstretched hand.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't stop them, but do you want to come to my house to treat your cuts?" you continued.

He looked a little confused at first but as he slowly deciphered your words, he stretched his hand out and grasped yours, pulling himself up off the ground.

"Where is your house?" he asked.

You thought for a bit trying to figure out what he said and then pointed in the direction of your house.

"It's right there"

The boy's eyes lit up "That's right next to my house!" he exclaimed, but he frowned again and said "but my parents aren't there right now."

"That's okay," you said as he looked up at you confused, "my dad's at home so he can help you with your cuts."

The boy looked up at you gratefully. "Oh, I'm sorry he said, what's your name? I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi."

You smiled at him and said "(Y/N) (L/N)"

And that was how you met your best friend Tadashi Yamaguchi.

Hello and welcome to this mess of a fanfic. The first few chapters are really short but I promise you they get longer. 

Anyways I didn't mention this before but now that this has a lot more reads I would really appreciate if you didn't leave any suggestive/sexual comments on this fanfic since they make me uncomfortable. I just want this fanfic to be wholesome with a tiny bit of chaos here and there. 

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