[Chapter Twenty-One]

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I had to explain.

|POV Virgil|


I wasn't an idiot.

As much as I hated to admit it, I knew the full truth about the reality of the situation. Ever since I had started to represent anxiety instead of paranoia, things started getting so much worse for our host. Typically, this would be the opposite. Paranoia downgrading to Anxiety was a huge achievement for most people, it was a sign of mental health getting better. But this situation was different than most. Because now I wasn't Paranoia, I actually had a reaction to Remus. As Paranoia, it was like I was numb to any corrupt or concerning thoughts he would have, like i was able to just brush them off. But when I became Anxiety, that ability left completely. Every single thought he suggested to Thomas would cause me to panic and worry so much. It wasn't healthy. If I continued to be so close to Remus where I could see every and all thoughts he had, Thomas' mental health would take a horrific turn south, which in turn would harm all of the sides. But the issue even further is, the Light Sides still don't know I exist. None of the Main Three Light Sides had ever met me, for all they knew I was still a Minor Side. But they know Remus, so if they see that Thomas is suffering from Remus' intrusive thoughts, they'd blame him and try to get him to stop doing his job.

Remus is my best friend. I can't let that happen to him.

Yeah, I really liked Janus, I saw him as almost a father figure. And yes, I was extremely close with Anger and Ignorance. But Remus really was just like a brother to me.

Many times before, Remus told me about how one of the Main Light Sides was his twin brother, but he described him as a complete dick-head which would always lead to Remus calling me the brother he never had. Really, him saying that meant so much to me. But if there was something I could do to absorb the blame for this, i'd happily do it. Even at my own expense.

I knew for a fact if I asked Remus or Janus about this, they would completely oppose the idea I had and claim that the Light Sides just needed to suck it up and deal with a few strange thoughts or waves of anxiety, but I didn't want that. I didn't want to be hated by either side. In all honesty, I didn't even fully understand why we were separated into two groups of sides, but whenever I asked the Minor Sides about it they would always blame a Light Side called Morality for it.

So if Light Creativity was a huge bitch like Remus had told me, and Morality really was the evil side who trapped us all in the Dark Side of the mind, that would leave the 3rd Unknown to me Light Side. Let's hope whoever he is, atleast he's nice.

I'd never met any of the Light Sides before, so let's hope when I did this I'd be able to find the infamous third side.
I was about to travel over to the Light Side of the mind for the first time ever. I needed to find a Light Side and find out what I could do to stop this reaction with me and Remus effecting Thomas so much. How could I stop my own, instinctive reaction. If all else failed, I could simply use the Reverse Room that Remus had shown me all those years ago.

It was currently night time, Janus and Remus were presumably both asleep in their rooms and there was no noise coming from the Village so they all seemed to be asleep too. Slowly creeping out of the Dark Mind Palace, I made my way through town as quickly and silently as I could, hoping I didn't get detected by any Side. Thankfully, it didn't take me long to reach the entrance of the Village. Doing this was so nerve wracking, I'd never left the Dark Side Village before, if what Janus had told me before was true then the way to the Light Mind Palace was simply a dark path that I could follow directly to a door, this door would then link to the Light Sides.

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